In Japan, from the pre-war to the post-war period, unique indigenous philosophizing cultures have been nurtured outside academism. The contemporary new philosophical practices which have been recently imported from Europe and North America are welcomed and widespread in Japan because of this indigenous traditional cultural soil cultivated by those local forerunners in the past. In this paper, the 'Life Experience Writing Movement', which was popular from the late Taisho era until the early Showa era, as well as the Science of Thought journal, which was founded by Shunsuke Tsurumi and the other six coteries in 1945 and continued to be published for fifty years until 1996, are discussed
Taking as background the decisive episode of the introduction of philosophy to Japan by Nishida as w...
This bibliographical guide gives a comprehensive overview of the historiography of philosophy and th...
This article provides a critical introduction to, and the first English translation of, the dialogue...
In Japan, from the pre-war to the post-war period, unique indigenous philosophizing cultures have be...
In the field of philosophy in postwar Japan there has been some academic 'allergic resistance' to th...
What is Japanese philosophy? This paper will address this question, not by giving a survey of the wo...
「日本研究」再考 : 北欧の実践からRethinking "Japanese Studies" from Practices in the Nordic Region, コペンハーゲン大学, 2012...
In American universities, even Asian Philosophy is still often taught following methods adapted from...
The beginning of the interest in philosophy for children in Japan seemed to be in 1983, when Gareth ...
Do you know the Japanese equivalent for "philosophy"? That word, "tetsugaku", was coined after the M...
Originally published as 「明治の哲学界:有機体の哲学とその系譜」in 井上克人編『豊饒なる明治』, Kansai Daigaku Shuppannbu, 2012, 3–22....
While it seems clear enough that the thought of the “Kyoto School” belongs to the history of philoso...
This paper explores the recent development of Eastern philosophy, focusing on the proliferation of E...
Taking as background the decisive episode of the introduction of philosophy to Japan by Nishida as w...
This bibliographical guide gives a comprehensive overview of the historiography of philosophy and th...
This article provides a critical introduction to, and the first English translation of, the dialogue...
In Japan, from the pre-war to the post-war period, unique indigenous philosophizing cultures have be...
In the field of philosophy in postwar Japan there has been some academic 'allergic resistance' to th...
What is Japanese philosophy? This paper will address this question, not by giving a survey of the wo...
「日本研究」再考 : 北欧の実践からRethinking "Japanese Studies" from Practices in the Nordic Region, コペンハーゲン大学, 2012...
In American universities, even Asian Philosophy is still often taught following methods adapted from...
The beginning of the interest in philosophy for children in Japan seemed to be in 1983, when Gareth ...
Do you know the Japanese equivalent for "philosophy"? That word, "tetsugaku", was coined after the M...
Originally published as 「明治の哲学界:有機体の哲学とその系譜」in 井上克人編『豊饒なる明治』, Kansai Daigaku Shuppannbu, 2012, 3–22....
While it seems clear enough that the thought of the “Kyoto School” belongs to the history of philoso...
This paper explores the recent development of Eastern philosophy, focusing on the proliferation of E...
Taking as background the decisive episode of the introduction of philosophy to Japan by Nishida as w...
This bibliographical guide gives a comprehensive overview of the historiography of philosophy and th...
This article provides a critical introduction to, and the first English translation of, the dialogue...