Tuesday, March 19, 2002 WRITER: Heidi Murphy, 706/542-5172, hmurphy@uga.edu CONTACT: Heidi Murphy, 706/542-5172, hmurphy@uga.edu HUMAN RIGHTS EXPERT TO GIVE LECTURE AT UGA ATHENS, Ga. - “Securing Justice for Women in the United Nations International War Crimes Tribunals and Beyond” is the title of Dr. Kelly Askin’s address for the 20th Annual Edith House Lecture to be held on Tuesday, March 26 at 3:30 p.m in the Chapel located on the university’s North Campus. Askin is a fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University as well as a legal consultant to the United Nations and other world agencies in the areas of international humanitarian and criminal law. She has previously served as acting executive director of the W...