Pseudomonas sp. GJ1 is able to grow with 2-chloroethanol as the sole carbon and energy source, but not with 2-bromoethanol, which is toxic at low concentrations (1 mM). A mutant that could grow on 2-bromoethanol with a growth rate of 0.034 h(-1) at concentrations up to 5 mM was isolated and designated strain GJ1M9. Measurement of enzyme activities showed that mutant and wild-type strains contained a PMS-Linked alcohol dehydrogenase that was active with halogenated alcohols and that was threefold overexpressed in the mutant when grown on 2-chloroethanol, but only slightly overproduced when grown on 2-bromoethanol, Both strains also contained an NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase that had no activity with halogenated alcohols. Haloacetate de...