“The search for security remains the overriding concern for many peoples and nations. But the definition of what constitutes security, and the strategies for attaining it, vary greatly. For billions of people, the question is to ´secure´ basic needs: food, water, shelter and health care. For others, it is to ´secure´ other fundamental human rights: freedom of expression, freedom from oppression, freedom from fear. Even among States, security has different definitions. For some, it is the achievement of economic or military parity or superiority, for others the projection of power and influence, and for still others the resolution of grievances and disputes” (Elbaradei, 2007). Veiligheid is niet langer het exclusieve studiedomein van interna...
Op 1 juni 2022 verscheen de nieuwe Nederlandse Defensienota met de titel ‘Sterker Nederland, veilige...
This open access book follows the idea that security policy must be based on strategic analysis. Def...
This special issue is about the role of the armed forces in domestic law enforcement. Internal and e...
De politie is wellicht de meest manifeste uitdrukking van de rechtsstaat. De ontmoetingen met de bur...
We weten het allemaal: politie, zorg en onderwijs kampen met stevige personeelstekorten. Door toenem...
Het post 9/11 terrorisme en de daarmee gepaard gaande war on terror hebben de roep om veiligheid bin...
Veiligheidsdenken heeft in westerse samenlevingen stevig postgevat. Dreigingen dienen zich in snel v...
European commissioner and previous Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs has argued about the difficul...
In this article the focus falls on the defence policy ofthe US in the post-Cold War-era. It is argue...
In deze bijdrage bekijken we vanuit welke inzichten de architectuur van een nieuwe wereldorganisatie...
Until recently, Dutch merchant ships could not rely on privately contracted maritime security staff ...
This volume elaborates on the EU report A Human Security Doctrine for Europe, adding an engaging dis...
Vredesoperaties werden na de Koude Oorlog de hoofdtaak van de Nederlandse en veel andere westerse kr...
In this Security Policy Brief Jo Coelmont examines the challenges Belgium is facing at present. On t...
This volume elaborates on the EU report A Human Security Doctrine for Europe, adding an engaging dis...
Op 1 juni 2022 verscheen de nieuwe Nederlandse Defensienota met de titel ‘Sterker Nederland, veilige...
This open access book follows the idea that security policy must be based on strategic analysis. Def...
This special issue is about the role of the armed forces in domestic law enforcement. Internal and e...
De politie is wellicht de meest manifeste uitdrukking van de rechtsstaat. De ontmoetingen met de bur...
We weten het allemaal: politie, zorg en onderwijs kampen met stevige personeelstekorten. Door toenem...
Het post 9/11 terrorisme en de daarmee gepaard gaande war on terror hebben de roep om veiligheid bin...
Veiligheidsdenken heeft in westerse samenlevingen stevig postgevat. Dreigingen dienen zich in snel v...
European commissioner and previous Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs has argued about the difficul...
In this article the focus falls on the defence policy ofthe US in the post-Cold War-era. It is argue...
In deze bijdrage bekijken we vanuit welke inzichten de architectuur van een nieuwe wereldorganisatie...
Until recently, Dutch merchant ships could not rely on privately contracted maritime security staff ...
This volume elaborates on the EU report A Human Security Doctrine for Europe, adding an engaging dis...
Vredesoperaties werden na de Koude Oorlog de hoofdtaak van de Nederlandse en veel andere westerse kr...
In this Security Policy Brief Jo Coelmont examines the challenges Belgium is facing at present. On t...
This volume elaborates on the EU report A Human Security Doctrine for Europe, adding an engaging dis...
Op 1 juni 2022 verscheen de nieuwe Nederlandse Defensienota met de titel ‘Sterker Nederland, veilige...
This open access book follows the idea that security policy must be based on strategic analysis. Def...
This special issue is about the role of the armed forces in domestic law enforcement. Internal and e...