Modern microprocessors are increasingly power-constrained as a result of slowed supply voltage scaling (end of Dennard scaling) in conjunction with the transistor density scaling (Moore’s Law). Existing many-core power management techniques such as chip-wide/per-core DVFS, and core and cache adaptation are quite effective in isolation at moderate to high power budgets. However, for future many-core chip, the existing techniques do not scale well to large core counts, small time slices and stringent power budgets. We need a new solution that combines different adaptation and reconfiguration techniques. In this paper, we present Chrysso, an integrated, scalable and low-overhead power management framework. Chrysso consists of a three-step pro...
With the current technology trends, the number of computers and computation demand is increasing dra...
Power management through dynamic core, cache and frequency adaptation is becoming a necessity in tod...
Power management through dynamic core, cache and frequency adaptation is becoming a necessity in tod...
Modern microprocessors are increasingly power-constrained as a result of slowed supply voltage scali...
Modern microprocessors are increasingly power-constrained as a result of slowed supply voltage scali...
Modern microprocessors are increasingly power-constrained as a result of slowed supply voltage scali...
Integrating more cores per chip to increase the performance of processors has been trendingfor the p...
Integrating more cores per chip to increase the performance of processors has been trendingfor the p...
The inactive part of a chip, termed as Dark Silicon, is extending rapidly by introducing new technol...
As power consumption being the first order constraint to build microprocessors, they are required to...
AbstractMulti-core processors support all modern electronic devices nowadays. However, power managem...
Energy management is a problem of all types of computing devices. For example, short battery life is...
Energy consumption is a limiting constraint for both embedded and high performance systems. CPU-core...
Power management through dynamic core, cache and frequency adaptation is becoming a necessity in tod...
The search for managing the increasing power consumption of today’s systems is still unbroken. The c...
With the current technology trends, the number of computers and computation demand is increasing dra...
Power management through dynamic core, cache and frequency adaptation is becoming a necessity in tod...
Power management through dynamic core, cache and frequency adaptation is becoming a necessity in tod...
Modern microprocessors are increasingly power-constrained as a result of slowed supply voltage scali...
Modern microprocessors are increasingly power-constrained as a result of slowed supply voltage scali...
Modern microprocessors are increasingly power-constrained as a result of slowed supply voltage scali...
Integrating more cores per chip to increase the performance of processors has been trendingfor the p...
Integrating more cores per chip to increase the performance of processors has been trendingfor the p...
The inactive part of a chip, termed as Dark Silicon, is extending rapidly by introducing new technol...
As power consumption being the first order constraint to build microprocessors, they are required to...
AbstractMulti-core processors support all modern electronic devices nowadays. However, power managem...
Energy management is a problem of all types of computing devices. For example, short battery life is...
Energy consumption is a limiting constraint for both embedded and high performance systems. CPU-core...
Power management through dynamic core, cache and frequency adaptation is becoming a necessity in tod...
The search for managing the increasing power consumption of today’s systems is still unbroken. The c...
With the current technology trends, the number of computers and computation demand is increasing dra...
Power management through dynamic core, cache and frequency adaptation is becoming a necessity in tod...
Power management through dynamic core, cache and frequency adaptation is becoming a necessity in tod...