In more recent years, credit card fraudulent transactions became a major problem. These fraudulent transactions not only incur huge monetary losses to commercial banks and financial institutions, but also stress and trouble to the lives of customers. Furthermore, with the passage of time this issue is increasing and the monetary loss is expected to increase significantly. However, efficient fraud detecting and prevention measures can trim down the monetary loss due to financial fraud activities. Credit card fraud detection has gained much interest from academia. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are an effective class of generative approaches that has been able to generate synthetic data to assist with the classification of credit card...
This is a systematic literature review to reflect the previous studies that dealt with credit card f...
With the continuing growth of E-commerce, credit card fraud has evolved exponentially, where people ...
Abstract: Evolving technologies make human life easier with increasing challenges. Online payments h...
In more recent years, credit card fraudulent transactions became a major problem. These fraudulent t...
Data augmentation is an important procedure in deep learning. GAN-based data augmentation can be uti...
Credit card use poses a significant security issue on a global scale, with rule-based algorithms and...
In the last years, the number of frauds in credit card-based online payments has grown dramatically,...
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are able to capture distribution of its inputs. They are thus...
While current machine learning methods can detect financial fraud more effectively, they suffer from...
The recent advances of e-commerce and e-payment systems have sparked an increase in financial fraud ...
Credit card is getting increasingly more famous in budgetary exchanges, simultaneously frauds are li...
The recent increase in credit card fraud is rapidly has caused huge monetary losses for individuals ...
Credit card fraud is a difficult issue in budgetary services. Billions of dollars are lost because o...
Transactional fraud datasets exhibit extreme class imbalance. Learners cannot make accurate generali...
Every year fraud cost generated in the economy is more than $4 trillion internationally. This is uns...
This is a systematic literature review to reflect the previous studies that dealt with credit card f...
With the continuing growth of E-commerce, credit card fraud has evolved exponentially, where people ...
Abstract: Evolving technologies make human life easier with increasing challenges. Online payments h...
In more recent years, credit card fraudulent transactions became a major problem. These fraudulent t...
Data augmentation is an important procedure in deep learning. GAN-based data augmentation can be uti...
Credit card use poses a significant security issue on a global scale, with rule-based algorithms and...
In the last years, the number of frauds in credit card-based online payments has grown dramatically,...
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are able to capture distribution of its inputs. They are thus...
While current machine learning methods can detect financial fraud more effectively, they suffer from...
The recent advances of e-commerce and e-payment systems have sparked an increase in financial fraud ...
Credit card is getting increasingly more famous in budgetary exchanges, simultaneously frauds are li...
The recent increase in credit card fraud is rapidly has caused huge monetary losses for individuals ...
Credit card fraud is a difficult issue in budgetary services. Billions of dollars are lost because o...
Transactional fraud datasets exhibit extreme class imbalance. Learners cannot make accurate generali...
Every year fraud cost generated in the economy is more than $4 trillion internationally. This is uns...
This is a systematic literature review to reflect the previous studies that dealt with credit card f...
With the continuing growth of E-commerce, credit card fraud has evolved exponentially, where people ...
Abstract: Evolving technologies make human life easier with increasing challenges. Online payments h...