9. Litsea honbaensis de Kok, sp. nov. (Figs 7; 9) DIAGNOSIS. — This species differs from its close relative Litsea helferi Hook. f. by having a glabrous petiole which is slightly swollen (while L helferi has a sparsely hairy slender petiole); fruits which are 14- 16 × 7-8 mm on a cupule about 5.4 mm diameter (while L. helferi has fruits 28-32 × 18-24 mm and a cupule 6.5-6.9 mm diameter). TYPE SPECIMEN. — Vietnam, Khanh Hoa: 12 km to Hon Ba, 12°6’56.016”N, 108°58’40.008”E, 24.VI.2004, Soejarto 13305 (holo-, P[P01052426]). DISTRIBUTION. — Vietnam (Fig. 7). ECOLOGY. — Growing in forests over granite between 800-900 m altitude. Flowering from January to May; fruiting in February. CONSERVATION ASSESSMENT. — Endangered (EN B1ab(i,iii),...