18. Promecilla André, 1902 (Figs 57–60) Promecilla André, 1902: 14 (key), 30 (description), ♀; Cameron 1902: 271, fig. 8, 9, ♀ ♁; Lelej & Brothers 2008: 48; Brothers & Lelej 2017: 96, ♁, ♀; Pagliano et al. 2020: 182. Type species. Mutilla regia Smith, 1855, ♀, by original designation. Diagnosis. MALE. Clypeus with transverse preapical carina. F1 evidently shorter than F2. Mandible tridentate, with large subbasal lobe beneath. Wings more or less fuscous. Stigmatic cell not sclerotized. T2 with lateral felt lines, S2 without any trace of felt lines. Hypopygium (S8) without any carina or processes. Head, mesosoma, antennae and legs usually black, metasomal segments 2–5(6) yellowish-orange. FEMALE. Clypeus ...
FIGURES 53–60. 53–54. Physetopoda halensis (Fabricius, 1787), ♀: 53. Dorsal habitus, 54. Lateral hab...
Figures 1-2 - Promecidia abnormis Lelej, sp. n., male, holotype. 1 Habitus...
Figures 6-7 - Promecidia, male genitalia, ventral view. 6 Promecidia abnor...
18. Promecilla André, 1902 (Figs 57–60) Promecilla André, 1902: 14 (key), 30 (description), &fem...
14. Nordeniella Lelej, 2005 (Figs 45–48) Nordeniella Lelej, 2005: 48, 145, 149, 185, ♁, ♀...
26. Tsunekimyrme Lelej, 1995 (Figs 80–81) Tsunekimyrme Lelej, 1995b: 3 (key), 16 (description), ...
2. Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920 (Figs 4a, 4b) Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920: 24 (key), 1921: 710 (d...
Genus Mutilla Linnaeus, 1758 Type species: Mutilla europaea Linnaeus,1758 by subsequent designati...
Tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920 Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920: 23; Invrea 1964: 151 (Smicromyrmi...
1. Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995 (Figs 1–3, 110) Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995b: 5, ♁, ♀; 1996a: 100,...
Genus Dasylabris Radoszkowski, 1885 Dasylabris Radoszkowski, 1885: 28, ♀; André, 1896: 264...
15. Nuristanilla Lelej in Lelej & Kabakov, 1980 (Fig. 49) Nuristanilla Lelej in Lelej & Kabakov,...
FIG. 2. — Traumatomutilla angustata (André, 1906), female, syntype, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, HNHM:...
19. Psammotherma Latreille, 1825 (Figs 61–62) Psammotherma Latreille, 1825: 453, ♁; Lelej & Brot...
3. Corytilla Arnold, 1956 (Figs 5–6) Corytilla Arnold, 1956: 63, figs 12, 12a, 12b, ♁; 1962: 846...
FIGURES 53–60. 53–54. Physetopoda halensis (Fabricius, 1787), ♀: 53. Dorsal habitus, 54. Lateral hab...
Figures 1-2 - Promecidia abnormis Lelej, sp. n., male, holotype. 1 Habitus...
Figures 6-7 - Promecidia, male genitalia, ventral view. 6 Promecidia abnor...
18. Promecilla André, 1902 (Figs 57–60) Promecilla André, 1902: 14 (key), 30 (description), &fem...
14. Nordeniella Lelej, 2005 (Figs 45–48) Nordeniella Lelej, 2005: 48, 145, 149, 185, ♁, ♀...
26. Tsunekimyrme Lelej, 1995 (Figs 80–81) Tsunekimyrme Lelej, 1995b: 3 (key), 16 (description), ...
2. Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920 (Figs 4a, 4b) Antennotilla Bischoff, 1920: 24 (key), 1921: 710 (d...
Genus Mutilla Linnaeus, 1758 Type species: Mutilla europaea Linnaeus,1758 by subsequent designati...
Tribe Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920 Smicromyrmini Bischoff, 1920: 23; Invrea 1964: 151 (Smicromyrmi...
1. Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995 (Figs 1–3, 110) Andreimyrme Lelej, 1995b: 5, ♁, ♀; 1996a: 100,...
Genus Dasylabris Radoszkowski, 1885 Dasylabris Radoszkowski, 1885: 28, ♀; André, 1896: 264...
15. Nuristanilla Lelej in Lelej & Kabakov, 1980 (Fig. 49) Nuristanilla Lelej in Lelej & Kabakov,...
FIG. 2. — Traumatomutilla angustata (André, 1906), female, syntype, Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, HNHM:...
19. Psammotherma Latreille, 1825 (Figs 61–62) Psammotherma Latreille, 1825: 453, ♁; Lelej & Brot...
3. Corytilla Arnold, 1956 (Figs 5–6) Corytilla Arnold, 1956: 63, figs 12, 12a, 12b, ♁; 1962: 846...
FIGURES 53–60. 53–54. Physetopoda halensis (Fabricius, 1787), ♀: 53. Dorsal habitus, 54. Lateral hab...
Figures 1-2 - Promecidia abnormis Lelej, sp. n., male, holotype. 1 Habitus...
Figures 6-7 - Promecidia, male genitalia, ventral view. 6 Promecidia abnor...