Despite his impeccable academic pedigree, a protégé of Josiah Royce and a friend and student of William James, John Elof Boodin is nearly forgotten today among American philosophers; hence, an essential aspect of his thought lost to history is his contribution to process theology. The leading features of process thought demonstrate Boodin’s connections to this unique theology and show it to have been established early on, as early as 1900 and 1904. This places Boodin’s writing on process philosophy/theology well before Alfred North Whitehead, the putative pioneer in modern process metaphysics, by more than twenty years, and co-extensive with Henri Bergson, who influenced Whitehead. Nevertheless, when Boodin is discussed today, it is usually...
This effort shows the advantages of adopting a systems-based process perspective for use within the ...
The topic of Alfred North Whitehead’s importance for contemporary theology is subtly ambiguous. It m...
The increased attention of late to the doctrine of divine immutability is due in large measure to th...
Despite his impeccable academic pedigree, a protégé of Josiah Royce and a friend and student of Will...
Process philosophy, elaborated by the mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, has had ...
By a process theology » is understood the application to the field of theology of the process philos...
While some process philosophers have denigrated the emergent theory of mind, what they have denigrat...
The dialogue between Evangelicals and those who have adopted the cosmology of Alfred North Whitehead...
It is the expressed purpose of this study to investigate the possibilities for theological use of pr...
In the past, both Evangelical theologians and Process scholars have often misunderstood the perspect...
In these times of changing and evolving scientific discovery, philosophy and theology are at a criti...
The concepts of mutuality and interdependence, process, and God occupy important roles in the doctri...
Nicholas Rescher’s way of understanding process philosophy reflects the ambitions of his own philoso...
It is commonly acknowledged by theologians today that Christianity has yet to develop an adequate th...
The aim of the thesis is to introduce the American process philosopher Charles Hartshorne and his ph...
This effort shows the advantages of adopting a systems-based process perspective for use within the ...
The topic of Alfred North Whitehead’s importance for contemporary theology is subtly ambiguous. It m...
The increased attention of late to the doctrine of divine immutability is due in large measure to th...
Despite his impeccable academic pedigree, a protégé of Josiah Royce and a friend and student of Will...
Process philosophy, elaborated by the mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, has had ...
By a process theology » is understood the application to the field of theology of the process philos...
While some process philosophers have denigrated the emergent theory of mind, what they have denigrat...
The dialogue between Evangelicals and those who have adopted the cosmology of Alfred North Whitehead...
It is the expressed purpose of this study to investigate the possibilities for theological use of pr...
In the past, both Evangelical theologians and Process scholars have often misunderstood the perspect...
In these times of changing and evolving scientific discovery, philosophy and theology are at a criti...
The concepts of mutuality and interdependence, process, and God occupy important roles in the doctri...
Nicholas Rescher’s way of understanding process philosophy reflects the ambitions of his own philoso...
It is commonly acknowledged by theologians today that Christianity has yet to develop an adequate th...
The aim of the thesis is to introduce the American process philosopher Charles Hartshorne and his ph...
This effort shows the advantages of adopting a systems-based process perspective for use within the ...
The topic of Alfred North Whitehead’s importance for contemporary theology is subtly ambiguous. It m...
The increased attention of late to the doctrine of divine immutability is due in large measure to th...