Denna uppsats undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkar förändringar i elspotpriset på Nord Pool. Avsikten är att resultatet skall ligga till grund för en prisuppskattningsmodell för Lunds Energikoncernen AB. Faktorerna bestämdes genom en förstudie där viktig litteratur om elmarknaden studerades samt samtal med Lunds Energikoncernen AB. De faktorer som undersöks i denna uppsats är priset på utsläppsrätter, nettoexport till Tysk-land, temperatur, nederbörd, priset på kol och villaolja samt konjunkturutveckling i Sve-rige. Undersökningen av faktorerna bestod av en multipel regressionsanalys med undersökta faktorer som oberoende variabler och elspotpriset på Nord Pool som den beroende va-riabeln. Faktorerna blev indelade i två grupper dagsgruppen...
The Swedish electricity market was historically based on predictable and controllable power plants. ...
This bachelor thesis investigates the development of value factors on the Swedish electricity market...
This thesis investigates the relation between the day-ahead electricity market prices and the electr...
Denna uppsats undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkar förändringar i elspotpriset på Nord Pool. Avsik...
Oppgaven gjør en teoretisk og empirisk analyse av kraftmarkedet i Nord Pool og markedet for CO2 kvot...
Dereguleringen av elektrisitetsmarkeder verden over har forsterket behovet for risikostyring i energ...
This Master’s thesis studies spot- and futures pricing in the Nordic electricity markets. Electricit...
With drastic increases in electricity prices throughout 2021, the public’s en- gagement in the disco...
This study analyses the impact of the change in the Nord Pool electricity price area structure in Sw...
Factors which effect the differences and similarities between spot prices in the region SE3 (Stockho...
This thesis focuses on the Nordic electricity market, mainly the ability of futures contracts to for...
This Master's Thesis is studying changes that are coming to happen in Nord Pool power market in Nove...
This thesis examines the power price differences between Finland and Sweden in the Nordic electricit...
The aim of this study is to examine how the EU ETS price has affected the price of electricity in th...
As the demand for electricity increases throughout the globe while we want to reduce the use of foss...
The Swedish electricity market was historically based on predictable and controllable power plants. ...
This bachelor thesis investigates the development of value factors on the Swedish electricity market...
This thesis investigates the relation between the day-ahead electricity market prices and the electr...
Denna uppsats undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkar förändringar i elspotpriset på Nord Pool. Avsik...
Oppgaven gjør en teoretisk og empirisk analyse av kraftmarkedet i Nord Pool og markedet for CO2 kvot...
Dereguleringen av elektrisitetsmarkeder verden over har forsterket behovet for risikostyring i energ...
This Master’s thesis studies spot- and futures pricing in the Nordic electricity markets. Electricit...
With drastic increases in electricity prices throughout 2021, the public’s en- gagement in the disco...
This study analyses the impact of the change in the Nord Pool electricity price area structure in Sw...
Factors which effect the differences and similarities between spot prices in the region SE3 (Stockho...
This thesis focuses on the Nordic electricity market, mainly the ability of futures contracts to for...
This Master's Thesis is studying changes that are coming to happen in Nord Pool power market in Nove...
This thesis examines the power price differences between Finland and Sweden in the Nordic electricit...
The aim of this study is to examine how the EU ETS price has affected the price of electricity in th...
As the demand for electricity increases throughout the globe while we want to reduce the use of foss...
The Swedish electricity market was historically based on predictable and controllable power plants. ...
This bachelor thesis investigates the development of value factors on the Swedish electricity market...
This thesis investigates the relation between the day-ahead electricity market prices and the electr...