Denna studiens syfte är att undersöka spädbarnsdödligheten i Kristianstad under tre tidsperioder 1830–1835, 1855–1860 och 1885–1890. Studien tar även upp och jämför faktorer som kön, säsongsvariation och dödsorsak. Källmaterialet består framför allt av död- och begravningsböcker samt födelse- och dopböcker från kyrkoförsamlingen Heliga Trefaldighets. Resultatet visar att den generella spädbarnsdödligheten i Kristianstad vid första tidsperioden låg på 18,4%. I andra tidsperioderna sker en liten ökning till 18,6% och slutligen i den sista tidsperioden sjönk den generella spädbarnsdödligheten till 13,2%. Det framgår ingen betydande skillnad mellan könen i någon av tidsperioderna. När det kommer till säsongsvariationen framgår det att hösten ...
This contribution is part of an international comparative initiative with the aim to assess the anal...
Studies conducted in historical populations and developing countries have evidenced the existence of...
The following studie has an ambition to research the different causes of death and what were most co...
The following study aims to examine the infant mortality in Kronoberg county in southern Sweden duri...
Denna kvantitativa studie undersöker barnadödlighet i Döderhults socken och Oskarshamns stad under p...
Kyrkböcker är en viktig källa till information om hur olika levnads förhållanden såg ut i Sverige fö...
The purpose of this study is to examine regional variations in infant mortality and how these were r...
Even thou the decline of child mortality in Sweden was a major factor during the demographic transit...
This paper is one of a series of five studying the intergenerational transfer of infant mortality do...
During the first half of the nineteenth century infant mortality rates in Ådalen, an agrarian region...
The mortality decline in the Nordic countries started at the end of the 18th century with a decrease...
The decline in mortality was the most important cause of the great increase in population in Sweden ...
The book is a selection of revised papers from The Thirteenth Nordic Demographic Symposium held at U...
Péron Yves. Matthiessen P.C. — Infant mortality in Denmark 1931-1960. In: Population, 21ᵉ année, n°5...
From the cradle to the grave. - A quantitative study on the decline in infant and child mortal...
This contribution is part of an international comparative initiative with the aim to assess the anal...
Studies conducted in historical populations and developing countries have evidenced the existence of...
The following studie has an ambition to research the different causes of death and what were most co...
The following study aims to examine the infant mortality in Kronoberg county in southern Sweden duri...
Denna kvantitativa studie undersöker barnadödlighet i Döderhults socken och Oskarshamns stad under p...
Kyrkböcker är en viktig källa till information om hur olika levnads förhållanden såg ut i Sverige fö...
The purpose of this study is to examine regional variations in infant mortality and how these were r...
Even thou the decline of child mortality in Sweden was a major factor during the demographic transit...
This paper is one of a series of five studying the intergenerational transfer of infant mortality do...
During the first half of the nineteenth century infant mortality rates in Ådalen, an agrarian region...
The mortality decline in the Nordic countries started at the end of the 18th century with a decrease...
The decline in mortality was the most important cause of the great increase in population in Sweden ...
The book is a selection of revised papers from The Thirteenth Nordic Demographic Symposium held at U...
Péron Yves. Matthiessen P.C. — Infant mortality in Denmark 1931-1960. In: Population, 21ᵉ année, n°5...
From the cradle to the grave. - A quantitative study on the decline in infant and child mortal...
This contribution is part of an international comparative initiative with the aim to assess the anal...
Studies conducted in historical populations and developing countries have evidenced the existence of...
The following studie has an ambition to research the different causes of death and what were most co...