Fiction By Howard Bahr (Henry Holt hardcover; $25.00, ISBN: 0805059725, 5/2000; Picador paperback; $14.00, ISBN: 0312280696, 5/2001) A brilliantly woven Civil War story about the jubilant year (1865) following the supposed cessation of hostilities, from the author of the highly praised (and rather similar) debut novel The Black Flower (1997). The latter unfortunately all but drowned in the wake of the spectacular success enjoyed by Charles Frazier\u27s Cold Mountain. This time around, Bahr ought to nab the hosannas and prizes, for he has produced a stunningly imagined and lyrically written chronicle of the return home (to war-ravaged Cumberland, Mississippi) of Gawain Harper, a former schoolteacher (and an Arthurian seeker) who had reluct...