Mackenzie Avenue in 1962 West side of Mackenzie Avenue showing:Roxy Theatre, Chalet Dining, Revelstoke Co-op Store East side of Mackenzie Avenue showing:Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce,?, Bew's Jewellery Store,Revelstoke Drug Co. Ltd, Revelstoke Meat Market, Malons Confectionery, Roma Restaurant(? where "Orange Crush" sign is). History: The brick Imperial Bank of Canada building, built in 1940 at the corner of Mackenzie Avenue and First street, was torn down in 1963 to make way for the CIBC. Roxy Theatre has been a fixture in Revelstoke since it was opened as the Avolie Theatre in 1938. The building had been constructed in 1905 as the Lawrence Hardware company, and was transformed into an Art Deco theatre building by owner Warren Cooper....