Marcus Carlisle Redwine, LL.B. Sandy Hook, Kentucky Y.M.C.A. Cabinet, \u2715; Y Gospel Team, \u2715; Quartet, \u2716; State I.P.A.; Medical, \u2716; Secretary Mountain Club; Patterson Literary Society; Henry Clay Law Society. Redwine is a staunch prohibitionist who hails from the mountains. His achievements point to the fact that he is made of sterner stuff than some of his classmates. Moreover he is an orator of ability. -The Kentuckian, 1919--------------------------------- Marcus Carlisle Redwine, Sr. (December 10, 1894 - March 22, 1962) was born in Elliott County, Kentucky to Albert Terrill Redwine and Mary Estella Waters. Redwine first attended Eastern Kentucky State College before attending the University of Kentucky. He moved to ...