The internship was conducted at KKP Edy Gunawan and the author was positioned in tax service. There were some tasks performed during the internship related to accounting and tax, such as fill in Surat Setoran Pajak (SSP), pay tax to the Bank, report tax to KPP Pratama Tigaraksa, make recapitulation of PPh Pasal 21, PPh Pasal 23, PPh Pasal 25, and PPh Pasal 4 (2), scan SSP, make recapitulation of petty cash, input employees data, input purchases. There were some problems during the internship. When the author input purchases, tax invoice number was not visible. When the author input employees data, there were no complete attachment such as KTP, Kartu Keluarga, and NPWP. When the author made recapitulation of PPh, the documents were ...