The internship was conducted at KKP Edy Gunawan which is a tax consulting office and was positioned in service division. During the internship, there were some tasks that should be done by the author like input Tax Invoice into MYOB, input Bank Statement into MYOB, make recapitulation of PPh Pasal 21and PPh Pasal 25, match the amount of salary expense in profit and loss statement with the amount of gross profit in SPT, input list of fixed assets and calculate the depreciation of assets, change a non-taxable income in accordance with the PMK No. 122/PMK.010/2015, make recapitulacition of gross profit into Ms. Excel 2010, filling a SSP, make SPT Masa PPh Pasal 21 with e-SPT, match and sort a salary expense, BPJS and insentif of each ...