Latar belakang: Angka terjadinya masalah gangguan tidur pada lansia sangat tinggi, berdasarkan informasi diketahui bahwa terdapat 50% dari lansia pada usia 65 tahun lebih yang mengalami masalah istirahat. Di Indonesia angka kejadian masalah tidur pada usia 60 tahun lebih terdapat angka kasus yang sangat tinggi berkisar 67%. Angka ini didapatkan dari jumlah penduduk yang berumur darei 65 tahun lebih. Berdasarkan gander, ditemukan bahwa insomnia dapat terjadi pada wanita usia 60 – 74 tahun sebanuak 78,1%. Tujuan: mengetahui Pengaruh Senam Lansia Terhadap Kualitas Tidur Lansia yang Mengalami Insomnia di wilayah Posyandu Sehat Bugar Rw 08 Kelurahan Sukoharjo. Metode: metode Quasi Eksperimental. Rancangan penelitian the group pretest – postt...
Increasing the number of elderly population is one indicator of development success as well as a cha...
Kebutuhan tidur pada setiap tahapan berbeda. Saat menjadi lanjut usia terjadi perubahan dalam pola t...
Objective: To analyze the relationship between gymnastics exercise and insomnia in elderly. Met...
This Study aimed to understand the effect of elderly gymnastic on the sleep quality of insomnia elde...
Insomnia is one of sleep disturbance that is usually happened to elderly. Insomnia relates closely w...
Factors that affect the quality of sleep in the elderly include illness, depression, environment, li...
Background: The higher life expectancy of a country led to higher number of elderly that is also fol...
Background: Added the age of individual is a physiological process that will occur in every human be...
Background - aging process leads to a process of gradually lost the ability to network - in the land...
health issues among the elderly, one of which is insomnia or sleep disorders. In Indonesia, the prev...
Background: the incidence Rate of insomnia will increase as you get older. In the <br />other words,...
Pendahuluan : Gangguan tidur (insomnia) pada lansia cenderung meningkat setiap tahun dan menyebabkan...
Introduction. Elderly has decreased in many body system including the impact on sleep disorder. The ...
Background: Aging is not a disease for the elderly and is not an obstacle to being able to maintain ...
Increasing the number of elderly population is one indicator of development success as well as a cha...
Kebutuhan tidur pada setiap tahapan berbeda. Saat menjadi lanjut usia terjadi perubahan dalam pola t...
Objective: To analyze the relationship between gymnastics exercise and insomnia in elderly. Met...
This Study aimed to understand the effect of elderly gymnastic on the sleep quality of insomnia elde...
Insomnia is one of sleep disturbance that is usually happened to elderly. Insomnia relates closely w...
Factors that affect the quality of sleep in the elderly include illness, depression, environment, li...
Background: The higher life expectancy of a country led to higher number of elderly that is also fol...
Background: Added the age of individual is a physiological process that will occur in every human be...
Background - aging process leads to a process of gradually lost the ability to network - in the land...
health issues among the elderly, one of which is insomnia or sleep disorders. In Indonesia, the prev...
Background: the incidence Rate of insomnia will increase as you get older. In the <br />other words,...
Pendahuluan : Gangguan tidur (insomnia) pada lansia cenderung meningkat setiap tahun dan menyebabkan...
Introduction. Elderly has decreased in many body system including the impact on sleep disorder. The ...
Background: Aging is not a disease for the elderly and is not an obstacle to being able to maintain ...
Increasing the number of elderly population is one indicator of development success as well as a cha...
Kebutuhan tidur pada setiap tahapan berbeda. Saat menjadi lanjut usia terjadi perubahan dalam pola t...
Objective: To analyze the relationship between gymnastics exercise and insomnia in elderly. Met...