Background - aging process leads to a process of gradually lost the ability to network - in the land reform themselves and maintain normal function. Disorders in the elderly one satunnya is depression. Depression is one of the causes of insomnia in the elderly. Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty sleeping, inability to maintain sleep for the desired conditions. So necessary to the management of sleep disorders (insomnia) with ergonomic gymnastics.Purpose - The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of gymnastics ergonomically against sleep disorders (insomnia) in elderly depressed in the Balai Resos Anak Wira Adhi Karya Unit Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia Wening Wardoyo Ungaran.Method - This type of research...
Insomnia merupakan gangguan tidur yang paling sering ditemukan pada lanjut usia (lansia) dengan prev...
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is most commonly found in the elderly. The prevalence of sleep dis...
Objective: To analyze the relationship between gymnastics exercise and insomnia in elderly. Met...
Pendahuluan : Gangguan tidur (insomnia) pada lansia cenderung meningkat setiap tahun dan menyebabkan...
Insomnia is one of sleep disturbance that is usually happened to elderly. Insomnia relates closely w...
Latar belakang: Angka terjadinya masalah gangguan tidur pada lansia sangat tinggi, berdasarkan infor...
This Study aimed to understand the effect of elderly gymnastic on the sleep quality of insomnia elde...
Factors that affect the quality of sleep in the elderly include illness, depression, environment, li...
Background: Aging is not a disease for the elderly and is not an obstacle to being able to maintain ...
Factors that affect the quality of sleep in the elderly include illness, depression, environment, li...
Background: Added the age of individual is a physiological process that will occur in every human be...
ABSTRACT Depression in elderly people is a psychogeriatric problem that finding repeatedly and must ...
ABSTRACT Depression in elderly people is a psychogeriatric problem that finding repeatedly and must ...
Insomnia usually that occur in the elderly, but can be a serious mental health problem that leads to...
Insomnia merupakan gangguan tidur yang paling sering ditemukan pada lanjut usia (lansia) dengan prev...
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is most commonly found in the elderly. The prevalence of sleep dis...
Objective: To analyze the relationship between gymnastics exercise and insomnia in elderly. Met...
Pendahuluan : Gangguan tidur (insomnia) pada lansia cenderung meningkat setiap tahun dan menyebabkan...
Insomnia is one of sleep disturbance that is usually happened to elderly. Insomnia relates closely w...
Latar belakang: Angka terjadinya masalah gangguan tidur pada lansia sangat tinggi, berdasarkan infor...
This Study aimed to understand the effect of elderly gymnastic on the sleep quality of insomnia elde...
Factors that affect the quality of sleep in the elderly include illness, depression, environment, li...
Background: Aging is not a disease for the elderly and is not an obstacle to being able to maintain ...
Factors that affect the quality of sleep in the elderly include illness, depression, environment, li...
Background: Added the age of individual is a physiological process that will occur in every human be...
ABSTRACT Depression in elderly people is a psychogeriatric problem that finding repeatedly and must ...
ABSTRACT Depression in elderly people is a psychogeriatric problem that finding repeatedly and must ...
Insomnia usually that occur in the elderly, but can be a serious mental health problem that leads to...
Insomnia merupakan gangguan tidur yang paling sering ditemukan pada lanjut usia (lansia) dengan prev...
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is most commonly found in the elderly. The prevalence of sleep dis...
Objective: To analyze the relationship between gymnastics exercise and insomnia in elderly. Met...