Um Effekte von kurzfristigen Landnutzungsänderungen auf Vogelgemeinschaften auf überwiegend landwirtschaftlich genutzten Flächen im nordöstlichen Österreich zu untersuchen, wurden 22 kreisförmige Flächen mit einem Durchmesser von 1 km ausgewählt, in denen 2005 und 2009 Vögel erfasst wurden. Aufgrund des Wegfalls der obligatorischen Flächenstilllegung seit dem Jahr 2008 wurde eine dramatische Verringerung des Brachflächenanteiles sowie ein Rückgang an Biodiversität in den Landschaften befürchtet, vor allem bei Kulturlandvögeln. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Brachflächen zwischen 2005 und 2009 tatsächlich signifikant abnahmen, von 15,05% auf 9,69% (durchschnittlicher Anteil an Brachen pro Untersuchungsfläche). Die Gesamtzahlen der erfassten Ar...
The European landscape has been changed in the last decades and this process has different character...
Abstract. Birds are commonly used as an example of the strongly declining farmland biodiversity in E...
When Hungary, together with nine other central and eastern European countries, enters the European U...
Temporal changes in the bird community of an agricultural landscape in northeast Germany were analys...
Die Fragmentierung von Waldgebieten, der Verlust geeigneter Habitate, die Invasion exotischer Arten ...
# The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Abstract The en...
Changes in agricultural policies have caused dramatic changes in land-use in agricultural landscapes...
The development of breeding bird populations during conversion to organic farming was surveyed on an...
Agricultural management is a major driver of changes in floral and faunal species richness of anthro...
Land-use intensification in agroecosystems has led to population declines in many taxonomic groups, ...
Farmland bird populations in Europe have been in decline for a long time. Agricultural intensificati...
Farmland is a very important habitat for many open-habitat bird species. It serves as a food source ...
Vogelgesellschaften werden von Walstruktur- und Landschaftsmerkmalen, die in hoch produktiven Auwäl...
An study area, where an interdisciplinary study on the role of habitat mosaic for distribution, dens...
The paper investigates the relative influence of landscape characteristics, production intensity and...
The European landscape has been changed in the last decades and this process has different character...
Abstract. Birds are commonly used as an example of the strongly declining farmland biodiversity in E...
When Hungary, together with nine other central and eastern European countries, enters the European U...
Temporal changes in the bird community of an agricultural landscape in northeast Germany were analys...
Die Fragmentierung von Waldgebieten, der Verlust geeigneter Habitate, die Invasion exotischer Arten ...
# The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Abstract The en...
Changes in agricultural policies have caused dramatic changes in land-use in agricultural landscapes...
The development of breeding bird populations during conversion to organic farming was surveyed on an...
Agricultural management is a major driver of changes in floral and faunal species richness of anthro...
Land-use intensification in agroecosystems has led to population declines in many taxonomic groups, ...
Farmland bird populations in Europe have been in decline for a long time. Agricultural intensificati...
Farmland is a very important habitat for many open-habitat bird species. It serves as a food source ...
Vogelgesellschaften werden von Walstruktur- und Landschaftsmerkmalen, die in hoch produktiven Auwäl...
An study area, where an interdisciplinary study on the role of habitat mosaic for distribution, dens...
The paper investigates the relative influence of landscape characteristics, production intensity and...
The European landscape has been changed in the last decades and this process has different character...
Abstract. Birds are commonly used as an example of the strongly declining farmland biodiversity in E...
When Hungary, together with nine other central and eastern European countries, enters the European U...