Statuette of Akhmaton. Wood. Egypt Mus, Berlin. Mar. 2001
statue of Melanchthon on Ton Sq. Wittenberg. mar 2001
Ptolemy I - marble head - Egypt. Copenhagen, Denmark
Vienna - Statue of Goethe
Statuette of Akhmaton. Wood. Egypt Mus, Berlin. Mar. 2001
Akhenaton. 25cm. Egyptian Mus. W Berlin. XII.25.8
Bust of Nefertiti. c.1340 B.C. Tel el Amarna (Wife of Akhnaton) Egypt Mus, Berlin. march 2001https:/...
Gold necklace - 6/7 cent. Annunciation. Length - 35.2cm. From Assiut, Egypt. Berlin - Straatlich Mus...
Zwingli\u27s Statue behind Wasser Kirche, Zurich - Mar 2001
statue of Melanchthon on Ton Sq. Wittenberg. mar 2001
Ptolemy I - marble head - Egypt. Copenhagen, Denmark
Vienna - Statue of Goethe
Statuette of Akhmaton. Wood. Egypt Mus, Berlin. Mar. 2001
Akhenaton. 25cm. Egyptian Mus. W Berlin. XII.25.8
Bust of Nefertiti. c.1340 B.C. Tel el Amarna (Wife of Akhnaton) Egypt Mus, Berlin. march 2001https:/...
Gold necklace - 6/7 cent. Annunciation. Length - 35.2cm. From Assiut, Egypt. Berlin - Straatlich Mus...
Zwingli\u27s Statue behind Wasser Kirche, Zurich - Mar 2001
statue of Melanchthon on Ton Sq. Wittenberg. mar 2001
Ptolemy I - marble head - Egypt. Copenhagen, Denmark
Vienna - Statue of Goethe