Gold Coins: Caesar + Aug. British Mus. VII.11.11
Gold coins: Lucius Vervus, his wife Lucilla, Commodus, Sept. Severus, Julia Donna, + Caracalla. Brit...
Silver Coins: Akragas, Thourion, Ephesus (4 cent), Akragas, Carthage (too much reflection) british M...
Coin of Cleopatra. XII.6.1
Gold Coins: Caesar + Aug. British Mus. VII.11.11
Gold Coins - Constantine I. Trier-Rheinland Mus. Germany. VII.14.9
Gold Coins of Ptol. Eg. 1 + 2 - Ptol. I + reverse. 3 + 4 - Arsimoe + reverse. British Mus. VII.11.6h...
The 12 Caesars - Caesar, Aug. Tib., Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian, Tit...
Gold coin of Honorius. Canterbury Mus. England. VII.14.13
Coins. 1 - Augustus. 2 - Divine Augustus. 5 + 6 - Tiberius. Speyer Mus. - Germany. VII.14.2https://d...
Gold coins of Tetrarchy. Bibliotheque National - Paris. VII.14.8
Gold coins: Lucius Vervus, his wife Lucilla, Commodus, Sept. Severus, Julia Donna, + Caracalla. Brit...
Silver Coins: Akragas, Thourion, Ephesus (4 cent), Akragas, Carthage (too much reflection) british M...
Coin of Cleopatra. XII.6.1
Gold Coins: Caesar + Aug. British Mus. VII.11.11
Gold Coins - Constantine I. Trier-Rheinland Mus. Germany. VII.14.9
Gold Coins of Ptol. Eg. 1 + 2 - Ptol. I + reverse. 3 + 4 - Arsimoe + reverse. British Mus. VII.11.6h...
The 12 Caesars - Caesar, Aug. Tib., Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian, Tit...
Gold coin of Honorius. Canterbury Mus. England. VII.14.13
Coins. 1 - Augustus. 2 - Divine Augustus. 5 + 6 - Tiberius. Speyer Mus. - Germany. VII.14.2https://d...
Gold coins of Tetrarchy. Bibliotheque National - Paris. VII.14.8
Gold coins: Lucius Vervus, his wife Lucilla, Commodus, Sept. Severus, Julia Donna, + Caracalla. Brit...
Silver Coins: Akragas, Thourion, Ephesus (4 cent), Akragas, Carthage (too much reflection) british M...
Coin of Cleopatra. XII.6.1