Inscription + Statue. Rockefeller Mus. Jerusalem.
Coin of Titus - trophy. Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem.
Caesarea - Statue. Israel.
Ossuary - Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem
Inscription + Statue. Rockefeller Mus. Jerusalem.
Inscription - Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem.
Shekel of Tyre. Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem
Theodotus inscription. Herodian period. Rockefeller Mus. Jerusalem
Bone Carvings - Jewish emblems. Byz. period - Rockefeller Mus. - Jerusalemhttps://digitalcommons.acu...
Menorah on Stone. Rockefeller Mus. - jerusalem
Coin of Titus - trophy. Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem.
Caesarea - Statue. Israel.
Ossuary - Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem
Inscription + Statue. Rockefeller Mus. Jerusalem.
Inscription - Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem.
Shekel of Tyre. Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem
Theodotus inscription. Herodian period. Rockefeller Mus. Jerusalem
Bone Carvings - Jewish emblems. Byz. period - Rockefeller Mus. - Jerusalemhttps://digitalcommons.acu...
Menorah on Stone. Rockefeller Mus. - jerusalem
Coin of Titus - trophy. Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem.
Caesarea - Statue. Israel.
Ossuary - Rockefeller Mus. jerusalem