Coin struck by Hadrian at foundation of Aelia Capitolina in A.D. 135, depicting Jupiter, Minerva, + Juno
Corinth - Athena. Pegasus + head + Athena were characteristic marks until fall of city in 146 B.C. N...
Rom. coin to commemorate defeat of Anthony + Cleopatra - Eg. crocodile + Aegypta capta.https://digit...
Coin of Herod - 37 B.C. Obverse. Helmet, palm bracnhes + star
Coin struck by Hadrian at foundation of Aelia Capitolina in A.D. 135, depicting Jupiter, Minerva, +...
Coin of Hadrian struck in 135 - Jupiter, Minerva, + Juno
Gold Coins: Nerva, Trijan, Hadrian. Ant. Pius. Faustina I, Marcus Aur., Faustina II. British Mus. VI...
Coin of Justinian I. Heraklion - Hist. Mus. Greece. VII.13.24
This paper presents 18 semisses of Hadrian that surfaced as a group in 2001; they were presumably fo...
2 CS79-1425. Rome Augustus L. Letulus 12 BC. BMC.124 C.417 British Mus.https://digitalcommons.acu.ed...
The coin dating from 270 AD depicts on its obverse side the Roman Emperor Valerian, the first Empero...
Artemis - similar to coins of Augustus. 6\u271.25 British Museum. sculpture 558. EF. VI.2.21https:/...
Corinth - Athena. Pegasus + head + Athena were characteristic marks until fall of city in 146 B.C. N...
Rom. coin to commemorate defeat of Anthony + Cleopatra - Eg. crocodile + Aegypta capta.https://digit...
Coin of Herod - 37 B.C. Obverse. Helmet, palm bracnhes + star
Coin struck by Hadrian at foundation of Aelia Capitolina in A.D. 135, depicting Jupiter, Minerva, +...
Coin of Hadrian struck in 135 - Jupiter, Minerva, + Juno
Gold Coins: Nerva, Trijan, Hadrian. Ant. Pius. Faustina I, Marcus Aur., Faustina II. British Mus. VI...
Coin of Justinian I. Heraklion - Hist. Mus. Greece. VII.13.24
This paper presents 18 semisses of Hadrian that surfaced as a group in 2001; they were presumably fo...
2 CS79-1425. Rome Augustus L. Letulus 12 BC. BMC.124 C.417 British Mus.https://digitalcommons.acu.ed...
The coin dating from 270 AD depicts on its obverse side the Roman Emperor Valerian, the first Empero...
Artemis - similar to coins of Augustus. 6\u271.25 British Museum. sculpture 558. EF. VI.2.21https:/...
Corinth - Athena. Pegasus + head + Athena were characteristic marks until fall of city in 146 B.C. N...
Rom. coin to commemorate defeat of Anthony + Cleopatra - Eg. crocodile + Aegypta capta.https://digit...
Coin of Herod - 37 B.C. Obverse. Helmet, palm bracnhes + star