This study investigated Broadcast Media Content in Shaping Audience Attitudes towards Environmental Sanitation in Nigeria using Makurdi Metropolis as a case study. It sought to determine the effectiveness of environmental sanitation-related content in shaping residents' attitudes towards the environment. The study was anchored on the hypodermic needle theory. The survey research method was adopted to elicit information using a questionnaire as the instrument for data collection. Findings from the study reveal that residents use broadcast media as their source of information. Results also show that broadcast media produce consent relating to environmental sanitation, and such content shapes residents' habits towards the environment. Hence, t...
Different sanitation programmes introduced by government at various levels are ill-conceived and are...
Kenya’s economy is highly dependent on natural resources. However, these natural resources are at ri...
The mechanisms for plastic waste disposal in Enugu metropolis are ineffective with people indiscrimi...
This study investigated Broadcast Media Content in Shaping Audience Attitudes towards Environmental ...
One of the environmental challenges in developing countries is unhealthy disposal of solid waste. In...
This article examines public awareness and knowledge of media campaigns on environmental issues in s...
Self-littering of the environment has become habit among many Nigerians. People on daily basis litte...
Scholars’ concern about environmental pollution and the attendant diverse health disorders have gr...
The study was conducted between the months of January-March, 2018 to examine the role of Radio stati...
Environmental awareness is a pre-condition for environment-friendly behaviour and sustainable enviro...
Against the backdrop of high rate of environmental pollution in the lives of humans, this study exam...
Abstract This research aims to determine differences in public attitudes before and after the giv...
The case study is the Sanitation Micro Credit Revolving Fund Scheme for Poor Female Headed Household...
This paper studies the effects of environmental pollution in the Polytechnic Ibadan, as public issue...
This descriptive survey designed study explored the influence of environmental awareness on seconda...
Different sanitation programmes introduced by government at various levels are ill-conceived and are...
Kenya’s economy is highly dependent on natural resources. However, these natural resources are at ri...
The mechanisms for plastic waste disposal in Enugu metropolis are ineffective with people indiscrimi...
This study investigated Broadcast Media Content in Shaping Audience Attitudes towards Environmental ...
One of the environmental challenges in developing countries is unhealthy disposal of solid waste. In...
This article examines public awareness and knowledge of media campaigns on environmental issues in s...
Self-littering of the environment has become habit among many Nigerians. People on daily basis litte...
Scholars’ concern about environmental pollution and the attendant diverse health disorders have gr...
The study was conducted between the months of January-March, 2018 to examine the role of Radio stati...
Environmental awareness is a pre-condition for environment-friendly behaviour and sustainable enviro...
Against the backdrop of high rate of environmental pollution in the lives of humans, this study exam...
Abstract This research aims to determine differences in public attitudes before and after the giv...
The case study is the Sanitation Micro Credit Revolving Fund Scheme for Poor Female Headed Household...
This paper studies the effects of environmental pollution in the Polytechnic Ibadan, as public issue...
This descriptive survey designed study explored the influence of environmental awareness on seconda...
Different sanitation programmes introduced by government at various levels are ill-conceived and are...
Kenya’s economy is highly dependent on natural resources. However, these natural resources are at ri...
The mechanisms for plastic waste disposal in Enugu metropolis are ineffective with people indiscrimi...