Stages are depicted as boxes, arrows show transition rates. The entire population is grouped into the susceptibles (S), the infected which are further classified into the latent (E), the prodromal, (P), the fully infectious at home, (IHome), in hospital, (IHosp), and in isolation, (IIso), and the recovered (R). The dead are classified into those awaiting an unsafe Funeral (F)—still infectious, after funeral (BF), or buried safely (BIso). Trace back is modeled through the force of infection for infections subject to trace back λ*, resulting in individuals in transient stage (E*, P*, I(*, Home), I(*, Hosp)) who will get traced back later, and those () who have already been traced back or diagnosed—these are isolated; λ and E, P, IHome, IHosp ...
<p>Solid arrows indicate transition from one compartment to another, dashed arrows indicate virus tr...
(A) Classical SEIRD model: An infectious population “I” exposes a susceptible population “S” at a ra...
<p>The stars represent individuals, the rounded squares represent households, the circles represent ...
Model compartments are indicated by boxed letters and transitions between compartments are shown by ...
<p>The natural history of infection comprises susceptibility (S), exposure (E) at a rate determined ...
<p>Given a time <i>t</i>, each individual in the model is in one state of (susceptible), (mild exp...
<p>(A) Flow chart of the model representing the different epidemiological states a person can be in ...
Individuals transition between states with rates specified by Greek letters. Small Latin letters are...
<p>In all panels A–F, colored curves represent the pathogen population sizes of different virus stra...
The intra-population model is solved concurrently in each sub-population (node) of the meta-populati...
<p>The arrows and parameter values correspond to entry and exit from the 6 compartments (-susceptibl...
(A) Multiple time scales (in number of days): the calendrical time n since January 1, 2020, the comp...
Legend: An individual in age group i is classified either as susceptible (S), exposed (E), asymptoma...
<p>Schematic diagram showing different stages of infection for infected FSWs, clients and regular pa...
The figure shows an schematic representation of the stochastic model, where according to the number ...
<p>Solid arrows indicate transition from one compartment to another, dashed arrows indicate virus tr...
(A) Classical SEIRD model: An infectious population “I” exposes a susceptible population “S” at a ra...
<p>The stars represent individuals, the rounded squares represent households, the circles represent ...
Model compartments are indicated by boxed letters and transitions between compartments are shown by ...
<p>The natural history of infection comprises susceptibility (S), exposure (E) at a rate determined ...
<p>Given a time <i>t</i>, each individual in the model is in one state of (susceptible), (mild exp...
<p>(A) Flow chart of the model representing the different epidemiological states a person can be in ...
Individuals transition between states with rates specified by Greek letters. Small Latin letters are...
<p>In all panels A–F, colored curves represent the pathogen population sizes of different virus stra...
The intra-population model is solved concurrently in each sub-population (node) of the meta-populati...
<p>The arrows and parameter values correspond to entry and exit from the 6 compartments (-susceptibl...
(A) Multiple time scales (in number of days): the calendrical time n since January 1, 2020, the comp...
Legend: An individual in age group i is classified either as susceptible (S), exposed (E), asymptoma...
<p>Schematic diagram showing different stages of infection for infected FSWs, clients and regular pa...
The figure shows an schematic representation of the stochastic model, where according to the number ...
<p>Solid arrows indicate transition from one compartment to another, dashed arrows indicate virus tr...
(A) Classical SEIRD model: An infectious population “I” exposes a susceptible population “S” at a ra...
<p>The stars represent individuals, the rounded squares represent households, the circles represent ...