The main air pollutants in Serbia are primary and secondary suspended particles, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and monoxide, and nitrogen oxides. This paper aims to calculate the ecological efficiency based on nitrogen oxide emissions from 2015 to 2019 for medium-sized enterprises that are significant sources of air pollution in Serbia. The ecological efficiency indicator is determined as the ratio of the enterprises' operating income and nitrogen oxide emissions annually. The analysis results of nitrogen oxide emissions in Serbia during the five years show a declining trend until 2018, when emissions are lowest. The analyzed mediumsized enterprises continuously emit nitrogen oxides in the observed period. Most of the analyzed...
This study is based on the application of mathematical methods of statistical analysis that can be ...
Globalni napori usmjereni prema smanjenju emisija stakleničkih plinova svake godine jačaju. Shvaćanj...
Global industrialization, population growth and growth in the number of vehicles worldwide have led...
The main air pollutants in Serbia are primary and secondary suspended particles, sulfur dioxide, c...
Sumpordioksid je jedan od najčešćih industrijskih zagađivača, pa se nivoi emisije sumpornih oksida č...
Sažetak Potreba za očuvanjem čovjekove okoline u posljednjem desetljeću ima sve veći utjecaj i na na...
Atmosferski polutanti značajno utječu na zdravlje živih bića i biljnih vrsta. Veliki problem predsta...
Onesnaženost zraka ima velik vpliv na zdravje in počutje ljudi, poleg tega vpliva tudi na ostale živ...
Unfavorable development air pollution along with the alarming growth of ecological damages speeded u...
Comparative analysis of local air-pollutant and CO2 emission levels, and different urban and transpo...
Ekologija i očuvanje ljudskog okoliša postali su odnedavno jedan od najvažnijih segmenata u znanstve...
Manure is a by-product at agricultural farms that can consist of excrement, bedding, food, and other...
Predmetni rad odnosi se na tematiku oneĉišćenja zraka, opis izvora oneĉišćenja te najĉešćih oneĉišću...
Kroz čitavu svoju povijest, čovjek je osjetio posljedice onečišćenja atmosfere. Posljedice onečišćen...
This paper shows the assessment results of organic carbon stock in agricultural soils on the territo...
This study is based on the application of mathematical methods of statistical analysis that can be ...
Globalni napori usmjereni prema smanjenju emisija stakleničkih plinova svake godine jačaju. Shvaćanj...
Global industrialization, population growth and growth in the number of vehicles worldwide have led...
The main air pollutants in Serbia are primary and secondary suspended particles, sulfur dioxide, c...
Sumpordioksid je jedan od najčešćih industrijskih zagađivača, pa se nivoi emisije sumpornih oksida č...
Sažetak Potreba za očuvanjem čovjekove okoline u posljednjem desetljeću ima sve veći utjecaj i na na...
Atmosferski polutanti značajno utječu na zdravlje živih bića i biljnih vrsta. Veliki problem predsta...
Onesnaženost zraka ima velik vpliv na zdravje in počutje ljudi, poleg tega vpliva tudi na ostale živ...
Unfavorable development air pollution along with the alarming growth of ecological damages speeded u...
Comparative analysis of local air-pollutant and CO2 emission levels, and different urban and transpo...
Ekologija i očuvanje ljudskog okoliša postali su odnedavno jedan od najvažnijih segmenata u znanstve...
Manure is a by-product at agricultural farms that can consist of excrement, bedding, food, and other...
Predmetni rad odnosi se na tematiku oneĉišćenja zraka, opis izvora oneĉišćenja te najĉešćih oneĉišću...
Kroz čitavu svoju povijest, čovjek je osjetio posljedice onečišćenja atmosfere. Posljedice onečišćen...
This paper shows the assessment results of organic carbon stock in agricultural soils on the territo...
This study is based on the application of mathematical methods of statistical analysis that can be ...
Globalni napori usmjereni prema smanjenju emisija stakleničkih plinova svake godine jačaju. Shvaćanj...
Global industrialization, population growth and growth in the number of vehicles worldwide have led...