ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Hubungan antara perilaku jajan dan status gizi belum dapat disimpulkan karena dapat disebabkan oleh perbedaan jumlah jajanan dan asupan natrium yang dikonsumsi.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan jajan dan asupan natrium kaitannya dengan status gizi pada anak sekolah dasar.Metode: Survei cross-sectional terhadap 115 anak usia 8-12 tahun dilakukan di Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia. Asupan makanan dinilai menggunakan recall 24 jam dan pengukuran antropometri dilakukan. Status gizi subjek ditentukan dengan menggunakan indikator IMT/usia.Hasil: Anak-anak yang kurus mengkonsumsi makanan ringan dua kali lebih banyak daripada anak-anak yang gemuk, tetapi mengkonsumsi lebih sedikit energi yang be...
As a developing country, Indonesia is still burdened with high prevalence of child malnutrition incl...
Behavior originates from the impulse in humans which is an effort to meet human needs. Eating behavi...
Obesitas anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang paling serius pada abad ke-21. ...
Eating snacks is one thing that could potentially affect the nutritional status of school children. ...
Fulfillment children’s nutritional needs is important to support growth and development. The dietary...
Backgrounds: One of the factors that influence the determinants of nutritional status of primary sch...
Nutritional status is one of the important elements in shaping health status. Nutritional status is ...
Nutritional status is still one of the nutritional problems faced by Indonesia, especially in school...
The lack of knowledge of good nutrition on a child or parents causes students often behave wrongly i...
Abstract Health problems in children, especially in terms of nutrition, are still a problem in Indon...
Poor nutritional behaviour among students is the increasing of snacking proportion and the consumpti...
ABSTRACTBackground: Elementary school children are in the developmental age, thus need nutritions wi...
Background:Nutritional status is a measure of a person\u27s body condition that can be seen from the...
Introduction: primary students are classified as growing and developing age group, where at this age...
ABSTRACTThe aimed of this study were to analyze mother’s nutritional behavior, parenting eating patt...
As a developing country, Indonesia is still burdened with high prevalence of child malnutrition incl...
Behavior originates from the impulse in humans which is an effort to meet human needs. Eating behavi...
Obesitas anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang paling serius pada abad ke-21. ...
Eating snacks is one thing that could potentially affect the nutritional status of school children. ...
Fulfillment children’s nutritional needs is important to support growth and development. The dietary...
Backgrounds: One of the factors that influence the determinants of nutritional status of primary sch...
Nutritional status is one of the important elements in shaping health status. Nutritional status is ...
Nutritional status is still one of the nutritional problems faced by Indonesia, especially in school...
The lack of knowledge of good nutrition on a child or parents causes students often behave wrongly i...
Abstract Health problems in children, especially in terms of nutrition, are still a problem in Indon...
Poor nutritional behaviour among students is the increasing of snacking proportion and the consumpti...
ABSTRACTBackground: Elementary school children are in the developmental age, thus need nutritions wi...
Background:Nutritional status is a measure of a person\u27s body condition that can be seen from the...
Introduction: primary students are classified as growing and developing age group, where at this age...
ABSTRACTThe aimed of this study were to analyze mother’s nutritional behavior, parenting eating patt...
As a developing country, Indonesia is still burdened with high prevalence of child malnutrition incl...
Behavior originates from the impulse in humans which is an effort to meet human needs. Eating behavi...
Obesitas anak merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang paling serius pada abad ke-21. ...