Rajawali Petshop, which is one of the stores that provide products for pets, which has been operating since January 2020, has continued to grow until now. Currently the sales system used by Rajawali Petshop is still using the conventional system, where consumers have to go to Rajawali Petshop to choose and buy the desired product, sometimes employees have to ask the warehouse first to see the availability of the product stock they are looking for, thus making consumers have to wait. After the product sought by the consumer is obtained, the consumer makes a payment to the place provided, namely the cashier. The cashier will recapitulate the sales data by transferring the proof of payment into the notebook to be used as a report to the Petsho...
Puzzy Pet Shop is one of shop sale a some needs of the animal like foods, accessories, and equipment...
Sistem W-Petshop yaitu sebuah usaha yang bergerak di bidang penyedia produk dan jasa bagi keperluan ...
Happy Petshop merupakan salon hewan yang memiliki layanan seperti gunting kuku, mandi dan beberapa t...
Rajawali Petshop, which is one of the stores that provide products for pets, which has been operatin...
Flowa PetShop adalah toko perlengkapan hewan yang menyediakan kebutuhan khusus untuk hewan peliharaa...
Tera is one Petshop Petshop in Bandung, which provides cat food, dog food, hamster food, cage, bags ...
Sistem penjualan pada Puffy Petshop belum ekfetif dalam melakukan penjualan. Ini disebabkan minimnya...
ABSTRACT: The system is a collection of elements that are interconnected with a particular purpose. ...
Toko Yongmi Petshop merupakan toko penjualan produk makanan serta pelayanan jasa hewan. Pegawai pada...
Pada era globalisasi ini, perkembangan teknologi dan informasi meningkat sangat cepat, terutama dala...
CV Hikma Petshop is one of the pet shops in Palembang that provides cat food, cat accessories, cages...
Istana Pet Shop Palembang merupakan toko penjualan produk makanan dan aksesoris kebutuhan hewan yang...
Hokky Petshop is a place of business engaged in the sale of pet food and accessories. Hokky Petshop ...
Animal care service offered by petshops is one of the best solutions for most Indonesians who cannot...
Abstrak: RothyPets adalah sebuah toko yang menjual segala perlengkapan dan kebutuhan hewan masih men...
Puzzy Pet Shop is one of shop sale a some needs of the animal like foods, accessories, and equipment...
Sistem W-Petshop yaitu sebuah usaha yang bergerak di bidang penyedia produk dan jasa bagi keperluan ...
Happy Petshop merupakan salon hewan yang memiliki layanan seperti gunting kuku, mandi dan beberapa t...
Rajawali Petshop, which is one of the stores that provide products for pets, which has been operatin...
Flowa PetShop adalah toko perlengkapan hewan yang menyediakan kebutuhan khusus untuk hewan peliharaa...
Tera is one Petshop Petshop in Bandung, which provides cat food, dog food, hamster food, cage, bags ...
Sistem penjualan pada Puffy Petshop belum ekfetif dalam melakukan penjualan. Ini disebabkan minimnya...
ABSTRACT: The system is a collection of elements that are interconnected with a particular purpose. ...
Toko Yongmi Petshop merupakan toko penjualan produk makanan serta pelayanan jasa hewan. Pegawai pada...
Pada era globalisasi ini, perkembangan teknologi dan informasi meningkat sangat cepat, terutama dala...
CV Hikma Petshop is one of the pet shops in Palembang that provides cat food, cat accessories, cages...
Istana Pet Shop Palembang merupakan toko penjualan produk makanan dan aksesoris kebutuhan hewan yang...
Hokky Petshop is a place of business engaged in the sale of pet food and accessories. Hokky Petshop ...
Animal care service offered by petshops is one of the best solutions for most Indonesians who cannot...
Abstrak: RothyPets adalah sebuah toko yang menjual segala perlengkapan dan kebutuhan hewan masih men...
Puzzy Pet Shop is one of shop sale a some needs of the animal like foods, accessories, and equipment...
Sistem W-Petshop yaitu sebuah usaha yang bergerak di bidang penyedia produk dan jasa bagi keperluan ...
Happy Petshop merupakan salon hewan yang memiliki layanan seperti gunting kuku, mandi dan beberapa t...