Two high molecular weight (MW) isotactic polypropylene (i-PP) samples, one containing a small amount of rr stereodefects denoted R1 and one conventional, commercial i-PP denoted S1, were used to grow single crystals in thin films at high temperatures (Tx = 145 °C for R1, Tx = 155 °C for S1). Elongated R2-form lathlike single crystals could be found in these two samples, indicating that the growth of this type of single crystal is a general phenomenon in i-PP and is independent of the small amount of tacticity defects. On the basis of our selected area electron diffraction (SAED) experimental results, the stems in these lathlike single crystals were tilted at an unusual 17° angle around the b-axis (i.e., a rotation of 17° of the c-axis withi...