NMR, molecular dynamics and mechanics calculations, and CD spectroscopy were used to characterise three tetramolecular quadruplex complexes: [d(TG(Br)GGT)](4), [d(TGG(Br)GT)](4) and [d(TGGG(Br)T)](4), where G(Br) indicates an 8-bromoguanine residue. All three quadruplexes are characterised by a 4-fold symmetry with all strands parallel to each other and, differently to what has been observed for other parallel quadruplex structures, with a tetrad (formed by 8-Br-dGs) in a syn conformation. The whole of the data demonstrates that the replacement in turn of different dG residues with 8-Br-dG in the sequence 5[prime or minute]-TGGGT-3[prime or minute] affects the resulting structures in different ways, leading to different CD profiles and ther...