The serotonin transporter gene (SLC6A4; synonyms, SERT, 5-HTT) is expressed much more broadly during development than in adulthood. To obtain a full picture of all sites of SERT expression during development we used a new mouse model where Cre recombinase was inserted into the gene encoding the serotonin transporter. Two reporter mouse lines, ROSA26R and the Tau(mGFP), allowed to map all the cells that express SERT at any point during development. Combined LacZ histochemistry and GFP immunolabelling showed neuronal cell bodies and axon fiber tracts. Earliest recombination in embryos was visible in the periphery in the heart and liver by E10.5 followed by recombination in the brain in raphe serotonergic neurons by E12.5. Further, recombinati...