A paraître : LEMERCIER O. (sous presse) – Campaniformes et cultures locales en France méditerranéenne, in : TUREK J., KRUTOVA M. (Eds) : Beaker Days I, Prague, sous presse.Since the 1998 Riva del Garda conference and the synthesis coordinated by J Guilaine (2001), the new bell beakers archaeological data of Mediterranean France make it possible to specify the relations between the Bell Beakers ones and indigenous populations of the final Neolithic in this area. The phase of synchrony between Bell Beakers and local cultures, highlighted for the Early Bell Beakers between 2500 and 2400 before our era, can undoubtedly be wide at the first times, at least, development of the regional groups of recent bell beakers ("Rhodano- Provençal" and "Pyré...