Gerbillus pusillus Peters, 1878. Monatsb. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, p. 201. TYPE LOCALITY: Kenya, Ndi and Kitui. DISTRIBUTION: Kenya. COMMENT: Includes diminutus and percivali; see Petter, 1975, Part 6.3:10. DML regards diminutus and percivali as distinct species pending revision. Roche, 1975, Monitore Zool. ItaL, suppl. 6:263-268, included ruberrimus in this species; but see Yalden et al., 1976, Monitore Zool. ItaL, suppl. 8:26, and Rupp, 1980, Saugetierk. Mitt., 28:87, who considered ruberrimus a distinct species, and are followed here. DML included pusillus in genus Dipodillus; but see comment under Gerbillus.Published as part of James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Rodentia (Part 3), pp. 392-476 in M...