42.Pyraustanubilalis (Hiibner). Pyralis nubilalis Hubner, Zutr. Samml. Eur. Schm., Pyr. 14: Sechste Horde, 24, 14, fig. 94, 1796. Pyrausta nubilalis, Meyrick, Handbook Brit. Lep., 416, 1895; Hampson, Fauna Brit. India, Moths 4: 435, 1896; Caffrey and Worthley, U. S. Dept. Agric., Bull. 1476: 1-154, 1,927; Briggs, Guam Agr. Expt. Sta. Rept. (1920), 39, 1921; Vandenberg, Guam Agr. Expt. Sta. Rept. (1930-32), 20, 1933. Tumon, May 30; Ypan, June 8; Libugon, June 24; Machanao, June 30, Aug. 6; Piti, Aug. 26, Sept. 4, 15; Barrigada, Aug. 28. All collected or reared by Swezey. Three specimens in U. S. National Museum and one in Bishop Museum, Fullaway, 1911. This moth is the notorious European corn borer, which has become widespread in t...