FletcherPenaltySolver v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Closed issues: Add restart (#46) Use JSOSolvers solver structure (#47) Merged pull requests: Use solver structure in workspace (#99) (@tmigot) Add missing verbose (#103) (@tmigot) add verbose option to feasibility step (#104) (@tmigot) Add time limit to subsolver (#105) (@tmigot) Add DOI badge (#108) (@tmigot) Add abstract solver type (#109) (@tmigot) Add julia highligthing (#110) (@tmigot) Update FPSSolver constructor and add stp as an attribute (#111) (@tmigot) Simplify constructor subproblem (#113) (@tmigot) Simplify solve (#114) (@tmigot) Add restart from a different initial point (#116) (@tmigot) add restart from a different problem (#118) (@tmigot) CompatHelper: bump compat for Stoppin...
CaNNOLeS v0.7.4 Diff since v0.7.3 Closed issues: Pre-allocate memory in solver structure (#64) Mer...
PDENLPModels v0.2.3 Diff since v0.2.2 Merged pull requests: Add split_vectors (#46) (@tmigot) Add d...
BAT v2.0.4 Diff since v2.0.3 Merged pull requests: CompatHelper: bump compat for "FillArrays" to "0...
FletcherPenaltySolver v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Closed issues: Add restart (#46) Use JSOSolvers solv...
JSOSuite v0.1.0 Closed issues: Accept callable objects that are not functions (#13) Pass kwargs to ...
DCISolver v0.4.0 Diff since v0.3.2 Closed issues: Add link to JOSS paper somewhere (#115) Merged p...
SumOfSquares v0.6.4 Diff since v0.6.3 Merged pull requests: Univariate minimization example (#263) ...
SumOfSquares v0.7.0 Diff since v0.6.4 Closed issues: unexpected behavior switching between Mosek an...
CaNNOLeS v0.7.1 Diff since v0.7.0 Closed issues: Add solve!(solver, nlp, stats) (#57) Add HSL CI (#...
GeometricIntegrators v0.6.1 Diff since v0.6.0 Closed issues: Pull the Solvers Out to Another Packag...
Stopping v0.6.1 Diff since v0.6.0 Merged pull requests: Remove parametric type of x in default fill...
Stopping v0.4.6 Diff since v0.4.5 Merged pull requests: Add citation and DOI (#96) (@tmigot) add de...
PDENLPModels v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Closed issues: cons returns an error for unconstrained proble...
SumOfSquares v0.4.7 Diff since v0.4.6 Closed issues: Use the Gram matrix as an optimization variabl...
BasicBSpline v0.1.1 Diff since v0.1.0 Closed issues: register v0.1.0 (#46) Add support for quintic ...
CaNNOLeS v0.7.4 Diff since v0.7.3 Closed issues: Pre-allocate memory in solver structure (#64) Mer...
PDENLPModels v0.2.3 Diff since v0.2.2 Merged pull requests: Add split_vectors (#46) (@tmigot) Add d...
BAT v2.0.4 Diff since v2.0.3 Merged pull requests: CompatHelper: bump compat for "FillArrays" to "0...
FletcherPenaltySolver v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Closed issues: Add restart (#46) Use JSOSolvers solv...
JSOSuite v0.1.0 Closed issues: Accept callable objects that are not functions (#13) Pass kwargs to ...
DCISolver v0.4.0 Diff since v0.3.2 Closed issues: Add link to JOSS paper somewhere (#115) Merged p...
SumOfSquares v0.6.4 Diff since v0.6.3 Merged pull requests: Univariate minimization example (#263) ...
SumOfSquares v0.7.0 Diff since v0.6.4 Closed issues: unexpected behavior switching between Mosek an...
CaNNOLeS v0.7.1 Diff since v0.7.0 Closed issues: Add solve!(solver, nlp, stats) (#57) Add HSL CI (#...
GeometricIntegrators v0.6.1 Diff since v0.6.0 Closed issues: Pull the Solvers Out to Another Packag...
Stopping v0.6.1 Diff since v0.6.0 Merged pull requests: Remove parametric type of x in default fill...
Stopping v0.4.6 Diff since v0.4.5 Merged pull requests: Add citation and DOI (#96) (@tmigot) add de...
PDENLPModels v0.2.1 Diff since v0.2.0 Closed issues: cons returns an error for unconstrained proble...
SumOfSquares v0.4.7 Diff since v0.4.6 Closed issues: Use the Gram matrix as an optimization variabl...
BasicBSpline v0.1.1 Diff since v0.1.0 Closed issues: register v0.1.0 (#46) Add support for quintic ...
CaNNOLeS v0.7.4 Diff since v0.7.3 Closed issues: Pre-allocate memory in solver structure (#64) Mer...
PDENLPModels v0.2.3 Diff since v0.2.2 Merged pull requests: Add split_vectors (#46) (@tmigot) Add d...
BAT v2.0.4 Diff since v2.0.3 Merged pull requests: CompatHelper: bump compat for "FillArrays" to "0...