Tricolia kochii (Philippi, 1848) Phasianella kochii Philippi in Krauss, 1848 (January): 104, pl. 6, fig. 4. Philippi, 1848 (February): 17. Bartsch, 1915: 144. Turton, 1932: 172, pl. 40, no. 1218. Moura, 1969: 17. Herbert & Warén, 1999: 224. Type loc.: ‘ in litore capensi ’ [on the shore of the Cape]; one syntype in NHM (NHMUK 1923.7.13.19), Salvador pers. comm. (iii/ 2015). Phasianella kochi [sic]— Martens, 1874: 130, no. 104. ? Leptothyra subconica Turton, 1932: 178, pl. 42, no. 1257. Type loc.: Port Alfred, E. Cape; type material probably in OXUM, but verification required. Phasianella kochii viridis (non Anton, 1838) Turton, 1932: 172, no. 1219. Type loc.: Port Alfred, E. Cape; five syntypes in OXUM (M002765). Phasianella ...