Tricolia bicarinata (Dunker, 1846) Phasianella bicarinata Dunker, 1846: 110. Krauss, 1848: 105. E.A. Smith, 1911: 313. Bartsch, 1915: 145. Turton, 1932: 174, no. 1236. Type loc.: ‘ Prom. bon. spei. ’ [Cape of Good Hope]; holotype in ZMB (108.796). Phasianella kraussi E.A. Smith, 1911: 313, text figs. Type loc.: Kalk Bay, False Bay, Cape of Good Hope; two syntypes in NHM (NHMUK 1911.4.26.1– 2). Phasianella tropidophora Tomlin, 1931: 420, pl. 33, fig. 1 [=form bicarinata]. Type loc.: East London and Cape Peninsula, restricted to Cape Peninsula by Nangammbi (2010); two syntypes in NMW (1955.158.00969– 70). Phasianella insignis Turton, 1932: 175, pl. 41, no. 1239. Type loc.: Port Alfred, E. Cape; holotype in OXUM (M002785). Trico...