Kermes shastensis Ehrhorn (Fig. 63) Kermes shastensis Ehrhorn 1911, 275–276. Type data: USA, California, Siskyou County, Shasta Springs, on Quercus chrysolepis. Syntypes, female. Type depository: USNM. Material examined. USA, California, Yosemite NP, on Castanopsis sempervirens (Fagaceae),, K. Kosztarab (USNM): 1/1ad ♂ (fair, no antennae and wings crumpled). Also: California, nr. town of Mammoth Lake, on Castenopsis sempervirens,, M. Kosztarab (USNM): 1/2 ad ♂♂ (fair, only one antenna, wings crumpled). Described from all 3 specimens. Mounted material: of moderate size, total body length 1.65–1.78 mm; antennae about 2/3 body length; body with few setae, fleshy setae (fs) hard to separate from ...
Gaeolaelaps kanati Joharchi & Issakova sp. nov. (Figures 35–55). Type material: Holotype, female...
Chrissia acuminata n. sp. (Figs 8‒11) Type locality. Site Y 167 (25°42’18.0”N, 103°06’31.1”E, 18...
Novonothrus coronospinosus sp. nov. (Figs. 3 –5, 12f, 17 b, 18 b) Dimensions. Holotype female le...
Kermes sp. (Fig. 64) Material examined. USA, California, Catalina, Mid-Valley Res., on Quercus du...
Ctenochiton eucalypti Maskell (Fig. 91) Ctenochiton eucalypti Maskell 1895, 52. Type data: Austra...
Bambusaspis delicata (Green) (Fig. 71) Planchonia delicata Maskell 1895, 62. Nomen nudum. Plan...
Stigmacoccus garmilleri Foldi (Fig. 15) Material studied. MEXICO, Veracruz, Chiconquiaco, on Que...
? Pulvinaria dodonaeae Maskell (Fig. 94) Pulvinaria dodonaeae Maskell 1893, 222. Type data: Austr...
Caenis hanleyi n. sp. (Figures 1–5) LSID 5A7C1E45-FC7E-414D-9A48-406E78...
Neodectes ophioglossus sp. n. (Figs. 12–14) Type material. Male holotype, 5 male and 2 female pa...
Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng, sp. n. (Fig. 1) Material examined (slide-mounted specimens): ...
Amerodectes hribari sp. n. (Figs. 7–9) Amerodectes sp., Hribar & Miller 2011: 138, fig. 1. Ty...
Amerodectes haemorhous sp. n. (Figs. 19–21) Type material. Male holotype (BMOC 16-0825-025), 14 ...
Pseudokiefferiella matafonovi Makarchenko et Semenchenko, sp. nov.
Constempellina tokunagai sp. n. (Figs 1–30) Type material. Holotype male, RUSSIA: 1 PL-male, Kam...
Gaeolaelaps kanati Joharchi & Issakova sp. nov. (Figures 35–55). Type material: Holotype, female...
Chrissia acuminata n. sp. (Figs 8‒11) Type locality. Site Y 167 (25°42’18.0”N, 103°06’31.1”E, 18...
Novonothrus coronospinosus sp. nov. (Figs. 3 –5, 12f, 17 b, 18 b) Dimensions. Holotype female le...
Kermes sp. (Fig. 64) Material examined. USA, California, Catalina, Mid-Valley Res., on Quercus du...
Ctenochiton eucalypti Maskell (Fig. 91) Ctenochiton eucalypti Maskell 1895, 52. Type data: Austra...
Bambusaspis delicata (Green) (Fig. 71) Planchonia delicata Maskell 1895, 62. Nomen nudum. Plan...
Stigmacoccus garmilleri Foldi (Fig. 15) Material studied. MEXICO, Veracruz, Chiconquiaco, on Que...
? Pulvinaria dodonaeae Maskell (Fig. 94) Pulvinaria dodonaeae Maskell 1893, 222. Type data: Austr...
Caenis hanleyi n. sp. (Figures 1–5) LSID 5A7C1E45-FC7E-414D-9A48-406E78...
Neodectes ophioglossus sp. n. (Figs. 12–14) Type material. Male holotype, 5 male and 2 female pa...
Hemiberlesia serrulata Liu & Feng, sp. n. (Fig. 1) Material examined (slide-mounted specimens): ...
Amerodectes hribari sp. n. (Figs. 7–9) Amerodectes sp., Hribar & Miller 2011: 138, fig. 1. Ty...
Amerodectes haemorhous sp. n. (Figs. 19–21) Type material. Male holotype (BMOC 16-0825-025), 14 ...
Pseudokiefferiella matafonovi Makarchenko et Semenchenko, sp. nov.
Constempellina tokunagai sp. n. (Figs 1–30) Type material. Holotype male, RUSSIA: 1 PL-male, Kam...
Gaeolaelaps kanati Joharchi & Issakova sp. nov. (Figures 35–55). Type material: Holotype, female...
Chrissia acuminata n. sp. (Figs 8‒11) Type locality. Site Y 167 (25°42’18.0”N, 103°06’31.1”E, 18...
Novonothrus coronospinosus sp. nov. (Figs. 3 –5, 12f, 17 b, 18 b) Dimensions. Holotype female le...