Pseudokiefferiella matafonovi Makarchenko et Semenchenko, sp. nov. 69AA60DC-3129-41FA-9A7F-6CE7F1D20E09 (Figs. 1–18) Type material. Holotype: adult male, Russia: Trans-Baikal Territory, environs of the Chita Сity, Kaydalovka River, upper stream, N 52.039058, E 113.560243, 18.VIII 2003, leg. P. Matafonov. Paratypes: 1 adult male, 1 pupa (male), 4 pupal exuviae, 7 larvae, the same data as holotype, 18.VIII 2003, leg. P. Matafonov; 8 larvae, the same data as holotype, except 31. V. 2022, N 52.039988, E 113.562473, leg. P. Matafonov; 1 larva, the same data as holotype, except Karpovskyi Stream, 2.VII.2004, leg. O. Klishko. Derivatio nominis. The species is named in honour of the Russian hydrobio...