Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild Heterorhynchus wilsoni Rothschild, 1893g: 95 (key), 97, pl. 50 (Hawaii). Now Hemignathus munroi H.D. Pratt, 1979. See Amadon, 1950: 169; Greenway, 1968: 99; Pratt, 1979: 1581; Olson and James, 1995: 383; American Ornithologists’ Union, 1998: 675; Dickinson, 2003: 758; Pratt, 2005: 254–257; and Pratt, 2010: 657. LECTOTYPE: AMNH 453541, male, collected on Hawaii Island, Hawaii, on 26 September 1891, by Henry Palmer (no. 1342). From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description, Rothschild did not designate a type, describing the adult male and female and ‘‘young birds.’’ He did not enumerate his specimens but gave measurements for 12 adult males and seven adult females. Hartert ...