Onychognathus preussi Reichenow Onychognathus preussi Reichenow, 1892a: 4 (Buea, 950–1200 m.). Now Onychognathus walleri preussi Reichenow, 1892. See Sclater, 1930: 664; Amadon, 1956: 23– 24; 1962a: 87; Fry et al., 2000: 578–580; Dickinson, 2003: 658; and Craig and Feare, 2009: 742. SYNTYPE: AMNH 669274, adult male, collected at Buea, 1000 m, 04.09N, 09.13E (Times Atlas), Cameroun, on 16 September 1891, by Paul R. Preuss. From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: The original description is usually cited as Reichenow (1892b: 184), published in April, 1892. However, the description appeared in Reichenow (1892a: 4) of 19 February 1892, and is so cited in Reichenow (1892b: 184). The earlier description was published verbatim in the...