FIGURE 25. Basiceros singularis intercastes from Trinidad & Tobago: St. Andrew; A–D: MCZ534402/T2-56); A. lateral view of mesosoma, white arrow pointing to wing fossa and wing trace, B. lateral view, C. dorsal view highlighting mesoscutum line (white arrow) and wing trace (black arrow), D. dorsal view; E–H: (MCZ/T2-56); E. oblique view of mesosoma, white arrow pointing to vestigial hindwing, F. lateral view, G. dorsal view highlighting rudiments of a mesoscutum (left white arrow), mesoscutellum (right white arrow), and forewing trace (black arrow), H. dorsal view. Scale bars: 1 mm.Published as part of Probst, Rodolfo Da Silva & Brandão, Carlos Roberto Ferreira, 2022, A taxonomic revision of the dirt ants, Basiceros Schulz, 1906 (Hymenoptera...
FIGURE 29. Basiceros redux = Octostruma reducta comb. nov., holotype (CASENT0900942, Guyana: Kaieteu...
FIGURE 22. Basiceros scambognathus, gyne (MZSP, Brazil: Minas Gerais); male (CASENT0914889, Brazil: ...
FIGURE 1. Wing venation of Basiceros males. A. forewing and B. hindwing of B. conjugans (RSPPC, Peru...
FIGURE 25. Basiceros singularis intercastes from Trinidad & Tobago: St. Andrew; A–D: MCZ534402/T2-56...
FIGURE 24. Basiceros singularis, gyne (MCZ 534402/T2-56, Trinidad & Tobago: St. Andrew) and male (MC...
FIGURE 27. Basiceros tumucumaquensis sp. nov. paratype worker (MZSP, CASENT0647158, Brazil: Amapá); ...
FIGURE 28. Basiceros tumucumaquensis sp. nov. paratype male (MZSP, CASENT0647167, Brazil: Amapá); A....
FIGURE 23. Basiceros singularis, worker (CASENT0914890, Ecuador: Napo); A. full-face view, B. latera...
FIGURE 26. Basiceros tumucumaquensis sp. nov. holotype worker (MZSP, CASENT0647157, Brazil: Amapá); ...
FIGURE 12. Basiceros disciger, gyne and male (MZSP, Brazil: São Paulo); A and D. full-face view, B a...
FIGURE 18. Basiceros militaris, gyne (MCZ, Trinidad & Tobago: Arima Valley) and male (MCZ, Trinidad ...
FIGURE 10. Basiceros convexiceps, larva (from type-series of Basiceros squamifer) (MZSP, Brazil: Rio...
FIGURE 5. Basiceros conjugans, holotype worker (MCZ 32179, Ecuador: Limoncocha); A. full-face view, ...
FIGURE 14. Basiceros manni, gyne (MCZ 546486, Costa Rica: Heredia) and male (MCZ, Costa Rica: Heredi...
FIGURE 19. Basiceros militaris, type-series (all intercastes)—holotype (AMNH, Trinidad & Tobago: Nar...
FIGURE 29. Basiceros redux = Octostruma reducta comb. nov., holotype (CASENT0900942, Guyana: Kaieteu...
FIGURE 22. Basiceros scambognathus, gyne (MZSP, Brazil: Minas Gerais); male (CASENT0914889, Brazil: ...
FIGURE 1. Wing venation of Basiceros males. A. forewing and B. hindwing of B. conjugans (RSPPC, Peru...
FIGURE 25. Basiceros singularis intercastes from Trinidad & Tobago: St. Andrew; A–D: MCZ534402/T2-56...
FIGURE 24. Basiceros singularis, gyne (MCZ 534402/T2-56, Trinidad & Tobago: St. Andrew) and male (MC...
FIGURE 27. Basiceros tumucumaquensis sp. nov. paratype worker (MZSP, CASENT0647158, Brazil: Amapá); ...
FIGURE 28. Basiceros tumucumaquensis sp. nov. paratype male (MZSP, CASENT0647167, Brazil: Amapá); A....
FIGURE 23. Basiceros singularis, worker (CASENT0914890, Ecuador: Napo); A. full-face view, B. latera...
FIGURE 26. Basiceros tumucumaquensis sp. nov. holotype worker (MZSP, CASENT0647157, Brazil: Amapá); ...
FIGURE 12. Basiceros disciger, gyne and male (MZSP, Brazil: São Paulo); A and D. full-face view, B a...
FIGURE 18. Basiceros militaris, gyne (MCZ, Trinidad & Tobago: Arima Valley) and male (MCZ, Trinidad ...
FIGURE 10. Basiceros convexiceps, larva (from type-series of Basiceros squamifer) (MZSP, Brazil: Rio...
FIGURE 5. Basiceros conjugans, holotype worker (MCZ 32179, Ecuador: Limoncocha); A. full-face view, ...
FIGURE 14. Basiceros manni, gyne (MCZ 546486, Costa Rica: Heredia) and male (MCZ, Costa Rica: Heredi...
FIGURE 19. Basiceros militaris, type-series (all intercastes)—holotype (AMNH, Trinidad & Tobago: Nar...
FIGURE 29. Basiceros redux = Octostruma reducta comb. nov., holotype (CASENT0900942, Guyana: Kaieteu...
FIGURE 22. Basiceros scambognathus, gyne (MZSP, Brazil: Minas Gerais); male (CASENT0914889, Brazil: ...
FIGURE 1. Wing venation of Basiceros males. A. forewing and B. hindwing of B. conjugans (RSPPC, Peru...