Erynnia antennata Rondani, 1861 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: 1861e: 108 (key), 109 (description). TYPE LOCALITY: “ in planitie parmensi [Parmese plains (Italy)]”. TYPE MATERIAL: 2 ♀♀ (one of them is surely the holotype but is not labeled as such; one missing right mid-leg) (MZUF: Box 16) with the following labels: Erynnia Desv. / antennata Rndn. / 848. CURRENT STATUS: valid species, as Erynniopsis antennata (Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 167, Pape et al. 1995: 18, Cerretti 2010: 151, O’Hara et al. 2020: 220). REMARKS: Rondani (1861e: 109) described Erynnia antennata from a single female: “ Unicam foeminam inveni [I collected a single female]”. There are two females without any label indicating their type status in the ...