Cactus grandiflorus Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 467. 1753. "Habitat in Jamaica, Vera Cruce." RCN: 3579. Lectotype (Lourteig in Bradea 5: 406. 1991): Herb. Clifford: 182, Cactus 10 (BM-000628597). Current name: Selenicereus grandiflorus (L.) Britton & Rose (Cactaceae). Note: Benson (Cacti U.S. Canada: 935. 1982) indicated 633.1 (LINN) as type but this collection lacks the relevant Species Plantarum number (i.e. “11”) and was a post-1753 addition to the herbarium, and is not original material for the name. See Hunt (in Bradleya 7: 95. 1989) who gives an extensive review of the original elements, and reproduces (p. 96) the striking illustration of Volckamer. Heath (in Calyx 2: 76. 1992) wrongly rejected Lourteig’s type choice as...