Tillandsia lingulata Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 286. 1753. "Habitat in Americae meridionalis arboribus vetustis." RCN: 2274. Lectotype (Gouda in Görts-van Rijn, Fl. Guianas, ser. A, 3: 21. 1987): [icon] "Viscum cariophylloides maximum capitulis in summitate conglomeratis" in Sloane, Voy. Jamaica 1: 189, t. 120. 1707. - Typotype: Herb. Sloane 3: 101 (BM-SL), see pp. 160-162. Current name: Guzmania lingulata (L.) Mez (Bromeliaceae). Note: Smith & Downs (in Fl. Neotropica 14: 1351. 1977) incorrectly treated material in the Sloane herbarium (BM) as the type, but this was not studied by Linnaeus and is not original material for the name.Published as part of Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part...