Compsothlypis pitiayumi nana Griscom Compsothlypis pitiayumi nana Griscom, 1927b: 8 (Cape Garachine´, eastern Panama). Now Setophaga pitiayumi nana (Griscom, 1927). See Hellmayr, 1935: 352; Curson 2010b: 743; and Lovette et al., 2010: 765. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 257148, adult female, collected at Point Garachine´, 08.07N, 78.37W (Times atlas), eastern Panama, on 5 March 1927, by Paul Covel (no. 249). COMMENTS: A single specimen was collected and the AMNH number of the holotype was cited in the original description. Griscom (1927b: 1–2) considered this trip an ‘‘ornithological reconnaissance’’ and recounted areas visited with the following personnel: Ludlow Griscom, Maunsell S. Crosby, Mrs. Griscom, Rex R. Benson, and Paul F. Covel (taxid...