Cardellina rubrifrons bella Griscom Cardellina rubrifrons bella Griscom, 1930: 2 (Chichicastenango, Guatemala). Now Cardellina rubrifrons (Giraud, 1841). See Hellmayr, 1935: 456; Lowery and Monroe, 1968: 51; Curson, 2010b: 779; and Lovette et al., 2010: 765. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 397111, adult male (sexed as female on original label), collected at Chichicastenango, Guatemala, on 27 January 1925, by A.W. Anthony (no. 1345). From the Johathan Dwight Collection (no. 60472). COMMENTS: Griscom gave the Dwight Collection number of the holotype in the original description and examined one female and two male specimens. The female paratype is AMNH 397112 (Dwight no. 60473), female, collected at Chichicastenango, on 17 February 1925, by Anthony...