320. Crested-tailed Deermouse Habromys lophurus French: Habromys a queue hérissée / German: Kammschwanz-Hirschmaus / Spanish: Raton ciervo de cola crestada Other common names: Crested-tailed Mouse Taxonomy. Peromyscus lophurus Osgood, 1904, “Todos Santos, [Huehuetenango,] Guatemala.” This species is monotypic. Distribution. SE Mexico (Sierra Madre de Chiapas) through Guatemala to extreme NW El Salvador. Descriptive notes. Head-body 95-115 mm, tail 92-115 mm, ear 17-19 mm, hindfoot 23-25 mm; weight 24-31 g. The Crested-tailed Deermouse is a mediumsized species of Habromys, characterized by lighter color. Dorsal is brown, tan, and fulvous; venter is white, and hairs have gray bases; ears are usually dark; and tail is unifor...
655. Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys ischyrus French: Thomasomys a queue forte / Germa...
648. Hudson's Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys hudsoni French: Thomasomys de Hudson / German: Hudson-...
654. Peruvian Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys eleusis French: Thomasomys du Pérou / German: Peru-Par...
314. Xico Deermouse Habromys simulatus French: Habromys de Jico / German: Jico-Hirschmaus / Sp...
285. Wide-rostrum Deermouse Peromyscus latirostris French: Péromyscus de Dalquest / German: Br...
266. Black-wristed Deermouse Peromyscus melanocarpus French: Péromyscus du Zempoaltepec / Germ...
298. Oaxacan Deermouse Peromyscus oaxacensis French: Péromyscus d’'Oaxaca / German: Oaxaca-Hir...
274. Chimoxan Deermouse Peromyscus tropicalis French: Péromyscus de Chimoxan / German: Chimoxa...
273. Yucatan Deermouse Peromyscus yucatanicus French: Péromyscus du Yucatan / German: Yukatan-...
641. Forest Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys silvestris French: Thomasomys sylvestre / German: \Wald-...
295. Orizaba Deermouse Peromyscus beatae French: Péromyscus d'Orizaba / German: Orizaba-Hirsch...
302. Southern White-ankled Deermouse Peromyscus pectoralis French: Péromyscus a chevilles blan...
635. Ashy-bellied Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys cinererventer French: Thomasomys a ventre gris / Ge...
662. Daphne’s Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys daphne French: Thomasomys daphné / German: Daphne-Para...
630. Principal Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys princeps French: Thomasomys cardinal / German: Kordil...
655. Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys ischyrus French: Thomasomys a queue forte / Germa...
648. Hudson's Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys hudsoni French: Thomasomys de Hudson / German: Hudson-...
654. Peruvian Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys eleusis French: Thomasomys du Pérou / German: Peru-Par...
314. Xico Deermouse Habromys simulatus French: Habromys de Jico / German: Jico-Hirschmaus / Sp...
285. Wide-rostrum Deermouse Peromyscus latirostris French: Péromyscus de Dalquest / German: Br...
266. Black-wristed Deermouse Peromyscus melanocarpus French: Péromyscus du Zempoaltepec / Germ...
298. Oaxacan Deermouse Peromyscus oaxacensis French: Péromyscus d’'Oaxaca / German: Oaxaca-Hir...
274. Chimoxan Deermouse Peromyscus tropicalis French: Péromyscus de Chimoxan / German: Chimoxa...
273. Yucatan Deermouse Peromyscus yucatanicus French: Péromyscus du Yucatan / German: Yukatan-...
641. Forest Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys silvestris French: Thomasomys sylvestre / German: \Wald-...
295. Orizaba Deermouse Peromyscus beatae French: Péromyscus d'Orizaba / German: Orizaba-Hirsch...
302. Southern White-ankled Deermouse Peromyscus pectoralis French: Péromyscus a chevilles blan...
635. Ashy-bellied Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys cinererventer French: Thomasomys a ventre gris / Ge...
662. Daphne’s Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys daphne French: Thomasomys daphné / German: Daphne-Para...
630. Principal Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys princeps French: Thomasomys cardinal / German: Kordil...
655. Strong-tailed Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys ischyrus French: Thomasomys a queue forte / Germa...
648. Hudson's Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys hudsoni French: Thomasomys de Hudson / German: Hudson-...
654. Peruvian Oldfield Mouse Thomasomys eleusis French: Thomasomys du Pérou / German: Peru-Par...