Passer rutilans debilis Hartert Passer rutilans debilis Hartert, 1904a: 162 (Sind- Tal in Kaschmir). Now Passer rutilans cinnamomeus (Gould, 1836). See Hartert, 1919: 159; Vaurie, 1956: 17–19; Dickinson, 2003: 716; and Summers-Smith, 2009: 796. HOLOTYPE: AMNH 719338, male, collected in the Sind Valley (= Sind-Tal), Kashmir, India, on 19 July 1873, by Colonel Biddulph (no. 7265.g). From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description, Hartert gave Biddulph’s number of the holotype with unique added letter and measurements for more than one male; the female was not described. There are five male Biddulph skins in AMNH in addition to the holotype, all of which bear the number 7265 with an added letter, different fo...