Petronia petronia intermedia Hartert Petronia petronia intermedia Hartert, 1901a: 324 (Gilgit). Now Petronia petronia intermedia Hartert, 1901. See Hartert, 1904a: 144; Hartert, 1919: 158; Vaurie, 1956: 22–23; 1959: 585–586; Moreau and Greenway, 1962: 25; Dickinson, 2003: 718; and Summers-Smith, 2009: 810–811. LECTOTYPE: AMNH 717373, male adult, collected at Gilgit, 35.55N, 74.18E (BirdLife International, 2001: 2643), Kashmir, on 9 January 1880, by J. Scully. From the Rothschild Collection. COMMENTS: In the original description, Hartert gave the following range: ‘‘Kaschmir (Typus Gilgit!) u. Kandahar,’’ but no details were given for the type from Gilgit. Hartert (1919: 158), by listing the single male collected at Gilgit by Scul...